Licensed and Insured



Licensed and Insured

Westchester Wildlife - Nuisance Animal Removal for Briarcliff Manor, NY

Are you having nuisance wildlife issues in your home or business in Briarcliff Manor? The Village Between Two Rivers has a wide population of different animals, from squirrels and raccoons to beavers and muskrats. No matter what wildlife is troubling you, Westchester Wildlife can help. We offer the best professional wildlife removal services in the area, including wildlife damage repair and exclusion, animal clearance certificates, dead animal location carcass removal, and nuisance wildlife trapping, deterrents and removal. We proudly service Briarcliff Manor and the rest of Westchester County, as well as the surrounding counties, including Westchester County, NY, Putnam County, NY, Dutchess County, NY and Fairfield County, NY. 

Professional Nuisance Wildlife Removal Service in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Wildlife passing through your yard may not seem like a problem, but when these animals decide to settle down and stay on your property, they can become a nuisance both inside and outside the home. Birds will bring exterior nesting material like dry leaves and twigs into dryer vents and exhaust vents, clogging them up and creating a fire hazard. If your gable vents are poorly screened or if you have holes in your roof or soffit, squirrels and bats will exploit these entry points to get inside. Cracks or gaps in your home’s foundation will provide an easy passage into your home for mice, rats and snakes. No matter what nuisance wildlife is troubling you, Westchester Wildlife can help. We offer the best professional nuisance wildlife services in Briarcliff Manor. Our process includes 

  1. Conducting thorough inspections to identify the specific wildlife issue you are dealing with 
  2. Determining the most effective removal solutions to address your wildlife issue 
  3. Providing recommendations for preventing wildlife from re-entering your property, including installing exclusions to keep animals out

We can remove a wide range of different wildlife, including: 

Animal in Attic Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Beaver Removal  in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Bee Removal Specialists in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Bird Removal  in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Chipmunk Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Coyote Removal  in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Deer Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Fox Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Groundhog Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Mice Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Mole Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Muskrat Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Pigeon Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Raccoon Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Rat Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Shrew Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Skunk Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Snake Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Sparrow Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Squirrel Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Starling Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Wasp Removal  in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Woodchuck Removal  in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Wildlife Repair in Briarcliff Manor, NY, Animal Damage Exclusion in Briarcliff Manor, NY

One of the most frustrating parts of dealing with wildlife removal is dealing with the damage that the animals will leave behind, often affecting your attic, gable vents, soffits, or anywhere else they’ve chewed, gnawed, soiled or otherwise destroyed. Westchester Wildlife offers wildlife damage repair services to get your home back in shape. We also offer wildlife exclusions, which involves preventing animals from gaining access to your home in the first place, as well as ensuring they cannot return once removed. Please note that we do NOT engage in animal rehabilitation. 

Westchester Wildlife offers wildlife exclusions in the Briarcliff Manor area, which involve sealing off the entry points that animals like squirrels, bats, rodents, raccoons, birds and snakes use to access your home. Once they are sealed off, we will fortify the area to prevent animals from re-entering in the future. We can safely and humanely remove wildlife from anywhere they might be on your property in Briarcliff Manor, including attics, roofs, soffits, crawl spaces, church steeples, basements, barns and sheds. 

Dead Animal Location in Briarcliff Manor, NY, Carcass Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Briarcliff Manor has a large population of diverse wildlife. Unfortunately, these animals can sometimes find their way into buildings or yards, become trapped and die. Their bodies can pose a serious health risk, and the smell can be unbearable. Sometimes an animal can die within your walls, which can be very distressing as the smell may permeate your living area and you might not be able to pinpoint where it is coming from. Westchester Wildlife can help, we can pinpoint where the deceased animal is, remove the body, and thoroughly disinfect the affected area. 

If you find a dead animal in your yard, it should always be appropriately removed and disposed of by a licensed wildlife technician with the proper safety equipment to prevent any transmission of disease. If the deceased animal is left to decompose, it can attract pests like maggots and carrion-feeding wildlife. 

Animal Clearance Certificate in Briarcliff Manor, NY

If you are trying to buy or sell a home in Briarcliff Manor and a property inspector finds evidence of nuisance wildlife activity, you will need an Animal Clearance Certificate, which certifies that a property has been cleared of all wildlife activity. 

Are you selling or buying a home in the New York area and an inspector noted evidence of animals?

Westchester Wildlife is a comprehensive, full-service wildlife removal company. We will thoroughly examine your property for any potential wildlife issues, and if we find animals have taken up residence on your property, we will take the proper steps to trap and remove the animal, repair any damages the animal has caused, and perform exclusions to prevent the animal from returning. Upon completion of the job, we will provide you with an animal clearance certificate. 

Westchester Wildlife does not provide standard termite or pest control services. We handle animal and bee related conflicts only.

Animal in Attic Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Attics are warm, safe, and provide shelter from both the elements and predators. Attics also usually have attic insulation, which can be ripped out and made into nests. This makes your attic a perfect nesting spot for wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, rats, bats and more. These animals will often enter through poorly screened gable vents or exploit tiny cracks to get inside. If you hear animals moving around inside your attic, don’t hesitate, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Bats are one of the most dangerous wildlife to have inside your home or business, as they can spread parasites like bed bugs, are one of the most prominent carriers of rabies, and their droppings release spores that cause the fungal infection histoplasmosis. However, bats are federally protected and must be handled with care. Thankfully, Jim Driesacker, owner of Westchester Wildlife, invented the Batcone and the Pro-cone, products for homes and businesses which allow bats to leave your attic but not re-enter. If you have bat issues, leave it to the experts, call Westchester Wildlife.

Beaver Removal, Exclusion in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Briarcliff Manor is the village between two rivers, which means you might have to deal with beaver issues, especially if you have running water on your property. Beavers are a federally protected species, prohibiting anyone at any time from disturbing a beaver dam or den. However, Westchester Wildlife is authorized by NYS DEC to address permit-based issues pertaining to beaver damage. If you have beavers on your property in Briarcliff Manor, contact Westchester Wildlife today! 

Bee Removal Specialists in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Bees are very important to the ecosystem, but when they build their nests too close to your house, it can be a danger for both you and them. Some bee species are known to nest inside walls, inside attics, underneath your home, on the trees surrounding your home, and even sometimes on your house’s siding! When bees are this close, it can lead to conflicts between bees and people. Bee stings are painful and can even cause allergic reactions in some people, which is why Westchester Wildlife offers safe, humane and professional removal and relocation of bees, beehives and bee nests from both residential and commercial properties.

Bird Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Birds might seem harmless, but birds are actually one of the most hazardous wildlife to have causing issues on your property. Birds will often bring in outside nesting material like leaves and twigs to dryer vents and other exterior exhaust vents, which can lead to a fire hazard. Westchester Wildlife can offer assistance with your bird problem in Briarcliff Manor, whether it be sparrows, starlings, woodpeckers or pigeons. However, disturbing the nests of many of these species is strictly prohibited under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so always leave bird removal and bird trapping to the licensed professionals at Westchester Wildlife. 

Chipmunk Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Chipmunks are a small rodent that resembles squirrels but without the bushy tails. They are known for their chubby cheeks and the stripe they often have down their back, and they can be spotted in yards and gardens raiding pet food and bird feeders, chewing on flower bulbs, and burrowing underneath patios, stairs, retention walls and foundations. If you have chipmunks causing you trouble in Briarcliff Manor, contact Westchester Wildlife today for chipmunk trapping, removal and preventive treatments.

Coyote Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Coyotes are medium-sized canines that closely resemble dogs, and these predators will pose a serious threat to smaller pets or livestock. Coyotes are always looking for easy prey, so they will go after house cats, smaller dogs, sheep, chicken, calves and lambs. Coyotes will aggressively defend the area surrounding their den sites, which will often bring them into conflict with people and dogs. If you think coyotes are moving in near your property, contact Westchester Wildlife for coyote removal or deterrents. 

Deer Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Unlike most wildlife, most issues homeowners have with deer happen AFTER the deer is already deceased. Thankfully, deer won’t stay in your yard for long, as they are easily spooked. Unfortunately, deer are known to wander into yards and die, or die after they get stuck trying to jump a fence. To make matters worse, deer carrion can often attract further pests and wildlife to your property. If you need a deer carcass removed from your home or business in Briarcliff Manor, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Fox Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

A red fox lurking around a suburban area looking for a next meal is not an uncommon sight, and some homeowners actually like having foxes around, as foxes are effective at controlling the population of rodents like mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks. However, foxes are also known to prey on pets like cats and small dogs. Foxes will also dig their dens underneath decks, porches, sheds and barns. If you have a fox living on your property, contact Westchester Wildlife today for fox deterrents, trapping and removal. We can also install preventative measures like screens and wildlife fencing to keep foxes off your property in the future. 

Groundhog Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Have you ever walked into your yard and the ground below you has felt weak, like something has been hollowing it out? Is something getting into your garden and eating your vegetables? You might have a groundhog problem. Groundhogs are large, brown, furry rodents, closely related to squirrels, that are known for the extensive burrows they dig in yards and gardens. Groundhogs are extremely clever critters, which can make them very difficult to trap, as they do not easily fall for baits or repellents. If you block off the entrance to a groundhog burrow, they will simply dig another one. Westchester Wildlife can help, we have years of experience with groundhog trapping and removal, and we can solve any groundhog problem you’re having in the Briarcliff Manor area. 

Mice Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Are you seeing small scratch marks around the baseboards of your home, or hearing skittering sounds of something running inside your attic or wall voids? Are you seeing chewed holes in doors, cabinets, walls and food packaging? Have you spotted mice droppings, which resemble small grains of rice? All of these are telltale signs of a mice infestation. Mice are one of the most common nuisance house pests. These rodents have teeth that never stop growing, so in order to keep them manageable, they will gnaw on the rubber coving around wires, which will expose the bare wiring and pose a potential fire risk. Mice will also often lower the effectiveness of your insulation by burrowing within it. If you need mice control services in Briarcliff Manor, contact Westchester Wildlife today! 

Mole Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Have you ever walked outside and found your yard dotted with several volcano-shaped hills of kicked-up dirt? These are called molehills, and they are a clear indicator that you have a mole problem on your property. Moles are a small, ground-dwelling mammal with powerful front claws that are known for tearing up the roots of grasses, destroying flower beds, and disfiguring lawns and parks. If your yard is being dug up by moles, contact the professionals at Westchester Wildlife today. 

Muskrat Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Muskrats are semi-aquatic medium sized rodents known for the musky odor they emit during mating season and while they mark their territory. Briarcliff Manor is located near several bodies of water, so all that water will attract muskrats to the area. If you have a pond, stream or drainage ditch on your property and muskrats have moved in, contact Westchester Wildlife today for muskrat removal and trapping.

Pigeon Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Pigeons are highly adaptable, and have become comfortable in urban and suburban areas, as unlike most animals, they have no fear of humans. Instead, pigeons have come to associate humans with food handouts and enjoy living near them, which can lead to conflicts as the dry nesting material they often bring into dryer vents and other exterior vents can become a fire hazard. Pigeons also have corrosive droppings that can damage buildings over time, and their feathers can contaminate food supplies and livestock feed. Westchester Wildlife offers pigeon removal services, and if a pigeon has died inside your vents or on your property, we also provide dead pigeon removal services. 

Raccoon Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Have you heard sounds of stomping coming from your attic? Is something raiding your trash cans and getting into left out bowls of pet food? You might have a raccoon issue. Raccoons love to nest inside attics, and these clever critters will rip up shingles, soffits, siding flashing, chimney caps and mushroom vent caps to get inside. Once inside, raccoons are known to rip up your insulation to make their nests and leave behind their droppings, which can spread diseases like raccoon roundworm. Raccoons can also become aggressive when confronted, and they can spread diseases like rabies and canine distemper. Unsealed trash cans and left out pet food can attract these masked bandits to your property. If you need raccoon trapping, removal and prevention in Briarcliff Manor, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Rat Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Rats are a common nuisance pest for homeowners, as they will contaminate food supplies, leave behind greasy brush marks on your home’s baseboards, leave their urine and feces behind everywhere they go, dig holes in your insulation, and gnaw holes in wooden structures around your property. Rats are much larger than mice, and they are able to reproduce extremely quickly, so one or two mice can easily spiral out of control until they have fully infested a home. There are two main rat species, the Norway rat and the Roof rat. Norway rats are large, brown and stick close to the ground, burrowing alongside foundations, beneath woodpiles and around gardens, while infesting basements, crawl spaces and ground floors. Roof rats are smaller, black/gray and arboreal, meaning they prefer to nest in higher ground, like inside attics, fake ceilings, wall voids and cabinets. Protect your home from rat damage today, contact Westchester Wildlife for rat control today. 

Shrew Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Shrews are tiny, even smaller than mice, and can easily be identified by their elongated snout. Shrews have a low negative impact and are not considered pests on the same level as mice and rats, but shrews are still capable of causing issues. Shrews will feed on stored pantry food and contaminate them with urine and feces. Shrews are not something you want to remove by hand, as they will bite if distressed. Contact Westchester Wildlife today for shrew removal in the Briarcliff Manor area. 

Skunk Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Skunks are one of the most infamous suburban wildlife, known for their noxious spray they emit when threatened, as well as for digging dens underneath sheds, porches, decks and crawl spaces. Skunk spray has an overwhelmingly powerful, terrible odor and can oftentimes irritate the eyes and the nasal passages. Skunks use their powerful front paws to dig their dens on your property, and they are also known to inhabit garages, which can raise the likelihood of a conflict between skunks and humans or dogs. Beyond the risk of spraying, skunks are also known to carry the rabies virus as well as canine distemper. Skunks are natural scavengers, and when food is scarce during the winter, they might dig up grubs to eat. Don’t let yourself get sprayed, leave skunk removal to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife, our experienced technicians are trained to remove skunks from your property safely and humanely without triggering any sprays. 

Snake Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Have you stumbled upon snake skins in your basement or crawl space? Snake skins are the excess skin that snakes shed as they grow, and the presence of a snake skin on your property is a surefire sign that a snake is living in your home or yard. Snakes are typically living near homes that have a steady food source, like a rodent population, so normally rodent treatments will get rid of the snake’s food source and cause them to move on. Upstate New York has mostly nonvenomous snakes, but it is also home to some venomous snake species like the Timber Rattlesnake and Northern Copperhead. If you have snakes on your property, contact the experts at Westchester Wildlife for snake removal and prevention services today. 

Sparrow Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

House sparrows are a common nuisance bird, known for nesting within gutters and drainage pipes which can block the proper flow of water and lead to water damage. House sparrows are also known to nest within dryer vents, which can pose a fire hazard, and the uric acid within their droppings can damage buildings. House sparrow droppings can also contain bacteria, parasites and the spores that cause histoplasmosis. If house sparrows are giving you trouble, Westchester Wildlife can solve your problem with bird removal, bird nest removal, and bird feces clean up. 

Squirrel Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Squirrels are one of the most common animals we deal with at Westchester Wildlife. These clever arboreal rodents are very common in the suburbs, and they are known to break their way through soffits and gable vents to get inside your attic, where they will soil your insulation which can attract more squirrels, and they will rip up your insulation to make their nests, oftentimes bringing in outside nesting material like dead leaves and twigs, which can pose a serious fire risk. If you need squirrel trapping and removal in Briarcliff Manor, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Starling Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Starlings are a very common nuisance bird that loves to nest inside soffits and cavities within open buildings. Starlings can spread illnesses with their droppings like the fungal lung infection histoplasmosis, and their droppings also contain corrosive uric acid that can corrode buildings over time. Their nests can also pose fire hazards when they settle down inside dryer vents. If you have starlings nesting in your home or business, contact Westchester Wildlife today for bird removal and cleanup.

Wasp Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Wasps are a very aggressive stinging insect that are prone to swarming when they are threatened, as they can release a pheromone when killed that calls for other wasps to attack. Unlike some bee species, wasps also have smooth stingers that allow them to hit you multiple times with painful stings, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. Never try to remove a wasp’s nest yourself, always leave it to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife. 

Woodchuck Removal in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Woodchucks are another name for groundhogs, and these large, brown furry rodents are known to dig extensive burrows in yards which can hollow out and weaken the ground below. Woodchucks can also eat the vegetables out of your garden, which puts them into conflict with homeowners. Woodchucks live underground and are extremely clever, which means it is very hard to trap them. Always leave woodchuck trapping in Pleasantville, NY to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife.