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Eco-Friendly and Humane Wildlife Deterrent Methods for Your Garden

Spring and Summer are the gardening seasons, but homeowners are often frustrated by the presence of destructive critters like groundhogs and rabbits that can wreak havoc in your garden as they burrow underneath your plants and feast on your crops. Groundhogs and rabbits aren’t the only ones, as raccoons, squirrels, skunks, opossums and even deer are all known to get into gardens. Poisoning these critters is not only illegal, but it can also be very destructive on the local ecosystem. The best way to get rid of wildlife in your garden is through trapping and removal, wildlife fencing/barriers, and habitat modification. Thankfully, Westchester Wildlife can help. We offer the best wildlife trapping and removal services in the Westchester area, and we can also provide you with wildlife barriers. Contact us today to get started at (800) 273-6673

Garden Pests

There are several types of wildlife that you might find destroying your garden, burrowing underneath your plants and eating your fresh vegetables. Groundhogs are known to dig underneath gardens, disrupting root structures and displacing plants. Groundhogs are binge eaters, and will decimate a garden filled with delicious vegetables overnight. Rabbits will also dig into the ground, and they will damage and consume flowers, peas, beans, beets and more. While groundhogs and rabbits are the two most prevalent garden pests, homeowners also often have to contend with squirrels, raccoons, opossums and deer, all of which are omnivores and will stop by your garden for a quick snack.

Trapping and Removal Services

Having wildlife damaging your garden can be frustrating. Maintaining a garden is hard work, and all that work can be ruined by groundhogs or rabbits in a single night. Poisoning groundhogs and rabbits is not only illegal, but very dangerous, as that poison can enter the ecosystem and get into the water supply. Trapping groundhogs yourself can be difficult, as they are very clever and can easily evade less-experienced trappers. The best way to remove wildlife from your property and prevent them from entering your garden is to contact the licensed experts at Westchester Wildlife. Our technicians are highly-trained and experienced in trapping groundhogs, and we can safely and effectively remove them from your property. We can also trap and remove raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and any other critter causing trouble in your garden. 

Wildlife Fencing Services

While trapping and removal services can get rid of any current critters causing problems on your property, this doesn’t protect against more animals coming back in the future. You can trap and remove a groundhog, but the next groundhog will come around eventually and decimate your plants. This is why preventative measures for garden nuisance wildlife are so important. One of the most important measures you can take for keeping groundhogs and other animals out of your garden is to install wildlife fencing or wildlife barriers around the perimeter of your yard, garden, or both. Mesh wildlife fencing can prevent critters from gaining entrance, and burying this fencing deep enough in the ground can prevent burrowing groundhogs from digging underneath it. Westchester Wildlife can install wildlife fencing and wildlife barriers anywhere on your property to keep critters from getting in and raiding your garden. We can install these barriers alongside the entire perimeter of your yard, or just along the perimeter of your garden. No matter what your wildlife fencing needs are, Westchester Wildlife can help.

Habitat Modification:

Habitat modification is a highly effective strategy for keeping groundhogs, rabbits, and other critters out of your vegetable garden. To begin, it’s crucial to eliminate any potential hiding places. Clear away brush piles, tall grass, and accumulated debris that provide cover for these animals. Regularly mow the lawn around the garden to reduce tall grass and remove any unnecessary vegetation. Removing potential food sources outside the garden is also essential; promptly clean up fallen fruits, nuts, and other edible debris that could attract these critters. 

Another key tactic is to incorporate plants that naturally repel pests. Planting marigolds, garlic, and onions around the perimeter of your garden can serve as a natural deterrent due to their strong scents, which many animals find unappealing. Additionally, you can introduce herbs like rosemary and mint, known for their repelling properties. 

Maintaining a clean and tidy garden is also critical. Regular weeding and pruning not only promote plant health but also reduce the garden’s appeal to pests. Composting properly and ensuring that garden waste is disposed of correctly can further minimize attractants. By implementing these habitat modifications, you create an environment that is less inviting and less accessible to groundhogs, rabbits, and other critters, thus protecting your vegetable garden from potential damage.

Best Wildlife Trapping in Westchester, NY

Groundhogs, rabbits, deer, raccoons, squirrels and skunks are destructive critters that can dig inside your vegetable garden, ripping up your plants and disrupting your root structure as well as your garden soil. Many of these critters will also eat your fresh vegetables, ruining all your hard work. Thankfully, there are ways to remove and deter these critters. Westchester Wildlife offers groundhog trapping and removal services to remove these destructive pests from your yard and garden. We can also provide you with wildlife fencing services to keep animals from returning to your garden once they have been trapped and removed. In addition, forms of habitat modification like keeping grass cut short, planting natural repellents like mint and cleaning up all fallen fruit, seeds or nuts can help prevent critters like groundhogs and rabbits from seeing your yard as a potential food source.