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The Importance of Bat Exclusion

Do you have bats inside your attic in Westchester, NY? Bats are known to spread diseases like rabies, and they will soil your insulation with massive piles of guano, which can spread the respiratory disease histoplasmosis. Bats shouldn’t be living in your attic, but removing them can be tricky. While raccoons and squirrels can be easily trapped and removed at any time of the year, bats are a different story. Bats are federally protected animals that must be handled carefully and only removed under certain conditions. That’s why Jim Driesacker, owner of Westchester Wildlife, invented the Batcone and Pro-Cone, which are exclusionary one-way devices that allow bats to leave your attic but not re-enter. If you need bat removal and exclusion in the Westchester, NY area, contact the bat experts at Westchester Wildlife today at (800) 273-6673!

Why Are Bats Federally Protected?

flying colony of batsBats are federally protected because of their ecological importance and endangered status. Bats are the original pest control technicians, as recent studies estimate that bats eat enough insect pests to save more than $3 BILLION dollars per year in pesticide costs and crop damage for American farmers. Bats can significantly reduce the population of harmful insects like mosquitoes in your yard. Bats are also expert pollinators and seed dispersers, and their continued presence is crucial to the growth of peaches, agave, bananas, and many other fruits. Unfortunately, bat populations are declining due to the presence of white-nose syndrome, which is a fungal disease that can easily spread through bat and human activity, killing off entire colonies of bats in the process. Because of this, bats are federally protected and must be handled with care. Unfortunately, conflict between humans and bats may arise when bats make their way inside your attic.

Bats in the Attic Damage

big brown bat inside a caveYour attic provides the perfect place for bats to roost, as it is dark, warm, and safe from predators and the elements. While bats in your attic can keep your pest population down by feeding in your yard at night, these animals can also spread several serious diseases and damage your insulation. Bats are known carriers of rabies, and if a bat gets inside the living areas of your home, it is crucial to capture the animal and test it for the rabies virus. Any skin-to-skin exposure with a bat must be treated as a potential rabies exposure. Bats will hang upside down in your attic and drop massive piles of guano, or bat droppings, inside your insulation. Bat guano not only soils the insulation and damages its ability to regulate heat, but it also contains the spores that cause the fungal lung infection histoplasmosis.

Batcone and Pro-Cone

The Batcone and Pro-Cone are one-way devices that allow bats to leave the attic, but do not provide a surface that the bats can land on and climb up, which prevents them from getting back inside the attic. Jim Driesacker, owner of Westchester Wildlife, invented the Batcone and Pro-cone after working in the wildlife removal industry in the rural and suburban areas of New York and Connecticut. Bat infestations were common, and an exclusion device was needed to assist in the increasing demands of bat removal services from both residential and commercial structures. Batcone and Pro-cone products are endorsed by the Organization for Bat Conservation and Bat Conservation International. Batcones and Pro-cones are crucial for bat exclusion as they allow the bat to leave on its own terms and find a new nest that’s not in your attic, which helps keep the bat population in Westchester healthy and thriving. If you need bat removal and exclusion, trust the bat experts at Westchester Wildlife.  

Best Bat Removal Service in Westchester, NY

closeup of a bat resting on a stoneBats are a federally protected animal that is very beneficial for the environment, as they eat thousands of insect pests per night, protect crops from pests, pollinate for crucial plants, and disperse fruit seeds. Bats must be handled with care, and the best way to deal with a bat infestation in your attic is to contact the bat experts at Westchester Wildlife for safe, humane bat removal and exclusion services. We will utilize the Batcone and Pro-cone products to safely exclude bats, then after the entire population is gone, we can seal off the property, ensuring that bats stay outside where they belong. If you need bat removal services in Westchester County, contact our team today to get started with a FREE estimate at (800) 273-6673!