Find out more about our humane exclusion products for residential and commercial use at batcone.com. Choose between the Pro-Cone Round, Pro-Cone Square or Pro-Cone Corner.
Most conflicts with chipmunks are nuisance problems. When chipmunks are present in large numbers they can cause structural damage by burrowing under patios, stairs, retention walls, or foundations. They may also consume flower bulbs, seeds, or seedlings, as well as bird seed, grass seed, and pet food that is not stored in rodent-proof storage containers.
Homes with wooded lots, thickets of ornamental shrubbery and dry rock walls are attractive to chipmunks. This habitat can be made less attractive to the animals by altering the pattern of natural and ornamental plantings. However, most people value their trees and shrubs too highly for drastic modification of the landscape, and may opt to tolerate the chipmunks as a part of the natural community.
Chipmunks are not protected by federal law, but state and local regulations may apply. Store food items, such as bird seed and dog food, in rodent-proof containers. Ground covers, shrubs, and wood piles should not be located adjacent to structure foundations.
Their entry can be prevented by closing holes in foundation walls, and by screening windows, vents and other ground-level openings. They can also be easily trapped with live traps.
Pesticides are not recommeded for use to control Chipmunks. Call Westchester Wildlife for safe and humane Chipmunk removal and prevention.
If you have any problem regarding wildlife, please contact us or call at (800) 273-6673.
Call (914) 760-5713 for situations requiring an immediate response. A team of professionals who are there when you need them.
Toll Free: 800.273.6673
Phone: (914) 760-5713
PO Box 579 Brewster,
NY 10509 USA
* Westchester Wildlife, LLC is not affiliated with the County. All services are fee based.
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