Licensed and Insured



Licensed and Insured

Westchester Wildlife - Nuisance Animal Removal for Pelham, NY

Are you having problems with nuisance wildlife on your residential or commercial property in the Pelham area of Upstate New York? Don’t fret, the experts at Westchester Wildlife are here to help. We can offer professional, comprehensive wildlife removal services. We offer wildlife damage repair and exclusion, dead animal location and carcass removal, animal clearance certificates and nuisance wildlife trapping, deterrents, and removal. We proudly offer all our wildlife services to Pelham, New York and the surrounding areas, including Westchester County, NY, Putnam County, NY, Dutchess County, NY, and Fairfield County, CT. 

Professional Nuisance Wildlife Removal Service in Pelham, NY

Animals can become a nuisance both inside and outside your home. Birds will nest in exterior vents like dryer and exhaust vents, which can lead to their nesting clogging up the vent and creating a fire hazard. Squirrels and bats will exploit poorly screened gable vents and holes in your roof or soffit to get inside your attic, where they can cause havoc. Mice, rats and snakes are able to find their way into your home through gaps in the foundation or corner channels of homes. Westchester Wildlife offers the best professional nuisance wildlife removal services in Pelham, New York. Our expertly trained technicians will conduct thorough inspections to identify the specific wildlife issue you are having, as well as determine the most effective removal methods to address said issue. We can also provide recommendations for preventing these animals from re-entering your property. We also offer exclusion services, which involves installing the necessary barriers to keep animals out. 

We can remove a wide range of different wildlife, including: 

Animal in Attic Removal in Pelham, NY

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Pelham, NY

Beaver Removal  in Pelham, NY

Bee Removal Specialists in Pelham, NY

Bird Removal  in Pelham, NY

Chipmunk Removal in Pelham, NY

Coyote Removal  in Pelham, NY

Deer Removal in Pelham, NY

Fox Removal in Pelham, NY

Groundhog Removal in Pelham, NY

Mice Removal in Pelham, NY

Mole Removal in Pelham, NY

Muskrat Removal in Pelham, NY

Pigeon Removal in Pelham, NY

Raccoon Removal in Pelham, NY

Rat Removal in Pelham, NY

Shrew Removal in Pelham, NY

Skunk Removal in Pelham, NY

Snake Removal in Pelham, NY

Sparrow Removal in Pelham, NY

Squirrel Removal in Pelham, NY

Starling Removal in Pelham, NY

Wasp Removal  in Pelham, NY

Woodchuck Removal  in Pelham, NY

Wildlife Repair in Pelham, New York, Animal Damage Exclusion in Pelham, New York.

When wildlife get into your home, they can often cause significant damage to your attic, gable vents, soffits, or any other entry point. We offer wildlife damage repair to get your home back in top shape. We also offer wildlife exclusion/animal proofing, which is a form of wildlife control that involves preventing wildlife from gaining access to your home in the first place, as well as ensuring they cannot return once removed. Please note that we do NOT engage in animal rehabilitation. 

Integrated Pest Management services focus on not only eliminating the pest or wildlife from your home, but also making sure they cannot return in the future to cause more problems. Part of IPM includes repairing and fortifying the entry points where animals were entering the home. After each exclusion inspection, we will provide you with a written estimate for exclusion measures and necessary damage repair. We will carefully identify the entry points and effectively seal them off, which will provide protection against unwanted wildlife like raccoons, bats, rodents, birds, snakes and more. 

Westchester Wildlife can remove animals from anywhere on your property in Pelham, including inside attics, roof soffits, church steeples, basements, barns, sheds or crawl spaces. We can safely and humanely remove the wildlife causing you trouble and ensuring they do not return to your property.

Dead Animal Location in Pelham, New York, Carcass Removal in Pelham, New York

Pelham, NY is home to a large variety of wildlife, and unfortunately, these animals can break their way into buildings, where they get trapped inside and die. Their bodies can pose a huge health risk, not to mention the terrible odor. If you’ve begun noticing a strong odor and you suspect an animal has died somewhere in your home or business in Pelham, don’t worry. Westchester Wildlife is here to locate and remove the dead wildlife, and thoroughly disinfect the affected area. 

If you find a dead animal outdoors on your property, it should be appropriately removed and disposed of by a licensed wildlife technician. Leaving the deceased animal to decompose can lead to a maggot infestation and an unpleasant odor, and it can also attract carrion-feeding vermin. Never interact with a dead animal without the proper safety equipment, as they can spread diseases. 

Westchester Wildlife will efficiently locate and remove the deceased animal and take steps to disinfect the affected area, which will help eliminate the smell. We always recommend having a wildlife inspection done, so we can locate where the animal gained entry and implement the necessary measures to prevent future wildlife issues. 

Animal Clearance Certificate in Pelham, New York

If a property inspector has uncovered evidence of nuisance wildlife activity in a home that you are selling or buying, you will need an Animal Clearance Certificate, which certifies that a property has been cleared of all wildlife activity. 

Are you selling or buying a home in the New York area and an inspector noted evidence of animals?

Westchester Wildlife offers comprehensive wildlife inspections, and if we uncover a wildlife problem, we can take the proper steps to remove the animal, perform exclusions on any entry points, and repair all damages the animal caused. We will provide you with an animal clearance certificate upon completion of the job. 

Westchester Wildlife does not provide standard termite or pest control services. We handle animal and bee related conflicts only.

Animal in Attic Removal in Pelham, NY

Are you hearing scratching or stomping sounds coming from your attic? Have you begun seeing holes in your siding, soffit and gable vent, or have you ever seen the animals entering/exiting through their entry points? You might have animals in your attic, including raccoons, squirrels, rats and bats. These wildlife can rip up your insulation and soil it with urine and feces, which will require the insulation to be removed and replaced. Contact Westchester Wildlife to protect your attic against these critters today.

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Pelham, NY

Bats are not an animal you want inside your home or business. Bats can damage your property, spread parasites like bat mites and diseases like rabies, and the large quantity of guano they leave inside your attic can release the spores that cause the respiratory fungal infection histoplasmosis. Jim Driesacker, the owner of Westchester Wildlife, invented two industry tested humane bat removal and exclusion products: the Batcone and Pro-cone. These can be used in both residential and commercial properties. If you have bats inside your attic in Pelham, NY, trust the bat experts, call Westchester Wildlife. 

Beaver Removal, Exclusion in Pelham, NY

If you have a stream, creek, or other body of running water on your property, you could end up with a beaver problem. Beavers are a federally protected species, and according to Section 11-505 of the “Fish and Wildlife Law”, no one is allowed at any time to disturb a beaver’s dam, house or den. Westchester Wildlife is authorized by NYS DEC to address permit-based issues pertaining to beaver damage, if you have beavers causing trouble on your property in Pelham, contact us today! 

Bee Removal Specialists in Pelham, NY

Do you have bees building nests inside your walls or attic, underneath your home, on the trees on your property, or on the siding of your home? Bees nesting this close to people can lead to conflict, and bee stings can be painful and even cause allergic reactions in some people. Westchester Wildlife understands how important bees are for the ecosystem, and we offer safe, professional and humane removal and relocation of bees and beehives from both residential and commercial properties.We don’t just offer bee removal however, as we also offer removal of stinging insects like wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. 

Bird Removal in Pelham, NY

Birds are known to build their nests in inconvenient places, like inside your attic, soffit or dryer vents, which can lead to a fire hazard. Thankfully, Westchester Wildlife offers removal of pigeons, sparrows, woodpeckers, starlings and other birds in Pelham, NY. Many of these species are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which can carry fines for disrupting their nests, so always leave bird proofing, bird removal and bird trapping to the licensed professionals at Westchester Wildlife. 

Chipmunk Removal in Pelham, NY

Have you noticed a small striped rodent with chubby cheeks eating flower seeds or bulbs and burrowing underneath patios, stairs, retention walls or foundations? You might have a chipmunk issue. Chipmunks are also known to raid pet food left outside in bowls and bird seed left inside  a bird feeder. Westchester Wildlife offers chipmunk trapping and removal, as well as preventative measures, such as sealing holes in foundation walls and screening windows and vents. If you need your chipmunk issue taken care of in Pelham, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Coyote Removal in Pelham, NY

Coyotes are not something you want to have on your property, as these medium sized predators can pose a serious threat to pets, livestock and crops. These canines resemble dogs and are often searching for easy prey, which can include house cats, smaller dogs, and livestock like chicken, sheep, lambs and calves. When raising their young, coyotes will aggressively defend the area around their den, which can put them into conflict with dogs. If you need coyote removal or deterrents in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Deer Removal in Pelham, NY

Deer are unique in that most issues they cause for homeowners happen after they are deceased. Deer are easily spooked, so they won’t stick around your yard long enough to damage anything. Instead, deer will often wander onto your property and die, either in yards or while they get stuck trying to jump a fence. Deer carrion can often attract more pests and wildlife to your property. If you need dead deer removal in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Fox Removal in Pelham, NY

It’s not uncommon to spot a red fox lurking around suburban areas looking for their next meal. Red foxes can be beneficial to have around, as they control the population of rodents like mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks. Foxes are unfortunately also known to prey on house cats and small dogs. Foxes will also live in dens underneath structures close to homes like decks, sheds and barns. We offer fox deterrents, trapping and removal, and we can also install preventative measures like screens and fences to keep the foxes from returning. If you need fox removal in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Groundhog Removal in Pelham, NY

Groundhogs are large, brown, furry rodents that are known for the large burrows they dig in yards and gardens, which can weaken the ground above. Groundhog trapping and removal is very difficult as they are extremely clever and do not easily fall for baits or repellents. If you block off the entrance to a groundhog’s burrow, they will simply dig a new entrance. Don’t try to remove them yourself, leave it to the experienced wildlife professionals at Westchester Wildlife. We can solve all your groundhog problems in the Pelham, NY area.

Mice Removal in Pelham, NY

Have you begun seeing chewed holes in doors, walls, cabinets or food packaging? Have you heard the trademark sounds of mice scratching and skittering as they run around inside your walls or attic? Have you begun seeing small droppings that resemble grains of rice? You might have a mice infestation on your hands. Mice are destructive pests that burrow inside insulation and chew on the rubber covering around wires, which can lead to a house fire. If you need mice control in Pelham, NY, contact the professionals at Westchester Wildlife today. 

Mole Removal in Pelham, NY

Moles are a small ground-dwelling mammal that can disfigure lawns, tear up the roots of grasses, destroy flower beds and create havoc in small garden plots. The clearest indicator of a mole problem is the presence of volcano-shaped hills made of kicked up soil in your yard called molehills. Don’t let moles ruin your yard and garden, contact Westchester Wildlife today for mole removal in Pelham, NY. 

Muskrat Removal in Pelham, NY

Do you have shallow bodies of water on your property? Ponds, streams and even drainage ditches can attract the presence of muskrats, a furry, medium sized semi-aquatic rodent that is named for the musky odor they emit during mating season and while marking their territory. Confronting muskrats is never a good idea, as these rabies-carrying animals can become aggressive when provoked. Westchester Wildlife can provide muskrat trapping and removal in the Pelham, NY area. 

Pigeon Removal in Pelham, NY

Pigeons are a highly adaptable nuisance bird that is very comfortable in urban environments. Pigeons are unique as they are usually not afraid of humans at all, instead associating humans with food handouts. Pigeons are known to build their nests inside drain pipes and vents, which can cause fire hazards. Pigeons can damage buildings over time with their corrosive droppings, and their feathers can contaminate food as well as livestock feed. Westchester Wildlife offers pigeon trapping and removal services, and if a pigeon has died on your property or in your vents, we also provide dead pigeon removal services. 

Raccoon Removal in Pelham, NY

Raccoons are one of the most common attic-dwelling animals. Nothing will stop these crafty critters from getting into your attic, they will tear off roof shingles, destroy soffits, remove siding, and remove chimney caps and mushroom vent caps to gain access to your attic. Once inside, raccoons will tear up your attic insulation to make their nests, and the droppings they leave behind can spread diseases like raccoon roundworm. Raccoons themselves are known to carry rabies and canine distemper, which they can spread to your pets. If you have left out pet food outdoors or unsealed trash cans, this can make your home a hot spot for raccoon activity. Protect your home from raccoons today, contact Westchester Wildlife for raccoon trapping, removal and prevention in Pelham, NY. 

Rat Removal in Pelham, NY

Do you have a rat infestation in your home, contaminating your food supplies, leaving behind their urine and feces, damaging insulation and gnawing holes in wooden structures? It’s important to know which rat you’re dealing with, as the large, brown Norway rats stick close to the ground, burrowing alongside building foundations, beneath woodpiles and around gardens and fields, while also infesting basements, crawl spaces and ground floors of buildings. Meanwhile, the smaller black roof rat is arboreal, which means they prefer to nest up high, inside attics, fake ceilings, wall voids and cabinets. No matter which type of rat you have, protect against rat damage with a rat control program from Westchester Wildlife today. 

Shrew Removal in Pelham, NY

Shrews are not typically considered pests, as they usually do not have significant negative impacts. However, these tiny mammals, easily identified by their long snouts, can cause plenty of issues when living near your home. Shrews can feed on stored foods and contaminate them with urine and feces, and they can even bite humans if handled improperly. Protect your home from shrew removal in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Skunk Removal in Pelham, NY

Skunks are known for the foul odor they spray when they feel threatened, but these primarily nocturnal animals can cause even more damage when they are nesting on your property. Skunks are excellent diggers, and they can use their powerful paws to dig into soil and underneath concrete to create their dens underneath structures like sheds, decks or crawl spaces, and they might also inhabit garages. During the winter when food is scarce, skunks are known to dig up yards to find grubs to eat. Never try to remove skunks yourself, even beyond their overpowering spray, skunks can also carry the rabies virus. The experienced technicians at Westchester Wildlife are trained to remove skunks from your property safety and humanely without triggering their defensive spraying behavior. 

Snake Removal in Pelham, NY

Do you have snakes on your property in Pelham, NY? Upstate New York is home to a wide variety of non venomous snakes and venomous snakes like the Northern Copperhead and the Timber Rattlesnake. One of the most common signs of snakes in your home is the presence of snake skins, or excess skin that snakes shed as they grow, on your property. Addressing a snake problem with rodent control treatments can often help, as this eliminates the snake’s food source, forcing them to move on from your home. For comprehensive snake control, prevention, removal and trapping in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Sparrow Removal in Pelham, NY

House sparrows are a common species of nuisance bird in the Pelham area that is prone to nesting within gutters and drainage pipes, which can block the proper flow of water and lead to water damage. House sparrows also often nest in dryer vents, which can create a fire hazard. The uric acid in the droppings of house sparrows can cause structural damage to buildings, and it also contains bacteria, fungal agents like the spores that cause histoplasmosis, and parasites that pose a health risk. If you are having problems with house sparrows in Pelham, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today for bird removal, feces clean up and bird nest removal. 

Squirrel Removal in Pelham, NY

Squirrels are one of the most common and one of the most destructive nuisance animals to have living on your property. Squirrels will chew and scratch their way inside your attic through soffit or gable vents, and once inside, these rodents will rip up your insulation to make their nests, as well as soiling the insulation with their urine and feces, which will often attract more squirrels to the property. Squirrels are also known to pose a fire risk, as they will often gnaw on the rubber covering around wires which can expose the bare wiring, and they will bring in outside nesting materials like dry sticks, leaves and twigs. Protect your home in Pelham, NY, call Westchester Wildlife for squirrel trapping and removal services today. 

Starling Removal in Pelham, NY

Starlings are a nuisance bird that feeds on seed grains, fruits, garbage, livestock feed and insects. Starlings will often nest within soffits and cavities in open buildings. Starlings have uric acid in their droppings that can cause structural damage to buildings. Bacteria, fungal agents and parasites are also present in their feces. Westchester Wildlife’s licensed, insured wildlife technicians can safely remove the starling problem from your property and prevent them from returning.

Wasp Removal in Pelham NY

Wasp nest removal is something that should always be done by a professional, licensed technician with safety equipment and access to professional-grade chemicals. When attacked or killed, wasps can release a pheromone that signals other wasps in the area to swarm. Wasp stings are very painful, and can even cause allergic reactions in some people. If you need wasp removal and control services in the Pelham, NY area, contact Westchester Wildlife today.

Woodchuck Removal in Pelham, NY

Woodchucks are another name for groundhogs. These large rodents are closely related to squirrels, and will eat a wide variety of garden vegetables which can put them into conflict with homeowners. Woodchucks are burrowing animals, known to create large underground tunnels, often underneath homes and sheds. Woodchucks are very clever and hard to trap, so if you have woodchucks on your property in Scarsdale, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today.