Licensed and Insured



Licensed and Insured

Westchester Wildlife - Nuisance Animal Removal for Pleasantville, NY

Do you have nuisance wildlife causing issues on your property in the Pleasantville area of upstate New York? Westchester Wildlife can help, we offer comprehensive wildlife removal services to get your home or business back in top shape. Some of the wildlife removal services we offer include wildlife damage repair, wildlife exclusion, dead animal location, carcass removal, nuisance wildlife trapping, deterrents and removal, and animal clearance certificates to certify your home is free of wildlife activity. Westchester Wildlife proudly services the scenic village of Pleasantville, as well as the rest of Westchester County, and the surrounding counties, including Dutchess County, NY, Putnam County, NY and Fairfield County, CT.

Professional Nuisance Wildlife Removal Service in Pleasantville, NY

Westchester Wildlife is the one to call when wildlife have become a nuisance to your home, we offer the best professional nuisance wildlife removal services in Pleasantville. Our expertly trained technicians will conduct thorough inspects to identify the wildlife issue you are having in your home or business. Then, we will determine the most effective removal methods to solve the problem, whether it be trapping, one-ways, exclusions or more. Finally, we will apply our knowledge from years of experience with nuisance wildlife to provide effective recommendations for preventing these critters from getting back in. We offer exclusion services as well, which involves installing necessary barriers around entry points and sealing cracks/crevices to keep wildlife from entering the property. 

We can remove a wide range of different wildlife, including:

Animal in Attic Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Pleasantville, NY

Beaver Removal  in Pleasantville, NY

Bee Removal Specialists in Pleasantville, NY

Bird Removal  in Pleasantville, NY

Chipmunk Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Coyote Removal  in Pleasantville, NY

Deer Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Fox Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Groundhog Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Mice Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Mole Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Muskrat Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Pigeon Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Raccoon Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Rat Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Shrew Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Skunk Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Snake Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Sparrow Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Squirrel Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Starling Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Wasp Removal  in Pleasantville, NY

Woodchuck Removal  in Pleasantville, NY

Wildlife Repair in Pleasantville, NY, Animal Damage Exclusion in Pleasantville, NY

Wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, rats and birds have a tendency to create damage to your home as they break in, settle in and make their nests. This often comes in the form of the entry points they exploit or create, which can include damage to soffits, flashing, fascia boards, drip edges, chimneys, ridge vents, roof shingles and gable vents. As part of our wildlife removal services, Westchester Wildlife offers wildlife damage repair in Pleasantville, NY. We can repair any damage that an animal has caused while living on your property or in your home. 

We also offer wildlife exclusions in the Pleasantville, NY area. Wildlife exclusions involve sealing and fortifying the entry points that animals exploited to gain entry to your home, preventing them from returning in the future. However, please note that Westchester Wildlife does NOT engage in animal rehabilitation. 

Westchester Wildlife can safely and humanely remove animals from anywhere on your property in Pleasantville, whether they be inside attics, roof soffits, crawl spaces, church steeples, basements, sheds or barns. 

Dead Animal Location in Pleasantville, NY, Carcass Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Have you begun noticing a strong, foul odor on your property? Have you spotted vultures feeding on a carcass of a deer, raccoon or other type of wildlife? Westchester Wildlife can help, we offer dead animal location and removal services. Sometimes smaller animals die within your walls or somewhere else where you cannot easily see them. Our technicians can locate these caracasses and remove them, and we will thoroughly disinfect the affected area. 

If you spot a dead animal outdoors on your property, never try to remove it yourself, as you can potentially expose yourself to several diseases and parasites from the carcass. Instead, have it appropriately removed and disposed of by a licensed wildlife technician from Westchester Wildlife. Leaving a deceased animal in your yard can aid in the decomposition process, which can lead to not only a maggot infestation, but the intrusion of further pests as well as carrion-feeding wildlife like vultures. If an animal dies indoors, the awful smell can permeate the living space of your home, making the issue even more pressing. 

Westchester Wildlife will efficiently locate and remove the dead animal, and we will also take steps to disinfect the affected area, which will aid in clearing up the odor. Having an inspection done to figure out how the animal gained access to your home is a highly recommended part of dead animal removal, as identifying where they got in will allow us to implement the necessary measures to avoid future wildlife conflicts. 

Animal Clearance Certificate in Pleasantville, NY

Animal Clearance Certificates certify that a property is free of nuisance wildlife issues. Animal Clearance Certificates are typically done when a property inspector has found nuisance wildlife activity inside a home that you are trying to buy or sell. 

Are you selling or buying a home in the New York area and an inspector noted evidence of animals?

Westchester Wildlife can perform a comprehensive inspection, and if we find a wildlife problem, we will take the proper steps to remove the animal, repair any damages the animal has caused, seal the entry points, and complete any exclusion work necessary. After we complete the job, we will provide you with an animal clearance certificate. 

Westchester Wildlife does not provide standard termite or pest control services. We handle animal and bee related conflicts only.

Animal in Attic Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Some of the telltale signs of a wildlife infestation within your attic include the sounds of scratching and stomping and the presence of holes in your siding, soffit and gable vents. You might even catch a glimpse of the animals entering or exiting your attic through their entry points. Many different kinds of wildlife will invade your attic, rip up your insulation and soil your insulation with their urine and feces, including raccoons, opossums, squirrels, rats and bats. Contact Westchester Wildlife for the best raccoon removal in Pleasantville, NY today.

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Pleasantville, NY

Bats are one of the most hazardous animals to have living on your property, as they can damage your property, spread parasites like bat mites and diseases like rabies, and their droppings contain the spores that cause the respiratory fungal infection histoplasmosis. The owner of Westchester Wildlife, Jim Driesacker, invented the Batcone and Pro-cone, two industry tested humane bat one-way devices that allow the bat to leave but not re-enter. When you have bat issues on your residential or commercial properties, trust the bat removal experts, contact Westchester Wildlife. 

Beaver Removal, Exclusion in Pleasantville, NY

Do you have a lake, pond, or stream on your property, attracting beavers? Beavers are a federally protected wildlife species, meaning no one is allowed to disturb their dams or dens according to Section 11-505 of the “Fish and Wildlife Law”. However, Westchester Wildlife is authorized by the NYS DEC to address permit-based issues pertaining to managing beaver damage. If you have a problem with beavers in Pleasantville, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Bee Removal Specialists in Pleasantville, NY

Bees are excellent pollinators that are incredibly important for our ecosystem. However, bees can also sometimes come into conflict with people, when they build their nests inside your walls or attic, underneath your home, on the trees on your property, and even sometimes on the siding of your home. This can be dangerous for both you and them. Bee stings can be very painful, and can even cause allergic reactions in some people. Westchester Wildlife offers safe, professional and humane removal and relocation of bees, beehives and bee nests from both residential and commercial areas. We can remove other species of stinging insects as well, such as wasps, hornets and yellow jackets.

Bird Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Do you have birds building their nests inside your attic, dryer vent, or soffit? The dry, flammable bird nesting material of leaves and twigs can cause a major fire hazard, especially inside dryer vents. Bird droppings can also pose a health risk. Some bird species you might find on your property include pigeons, sparrows, woodpeckers, starlings and more. Some of these birds are protected underneath the Migratory Bird Treaty act, which can carry fines for moving or disrupting their nests. Don’t risk the fines, leave bird removal and bird nesting removal in Pleasantville, NY to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife 

Chipmunk Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Have you seen a small rodent eating bird seed out of the bird feeder, left out pet food and flower bulbs on your property? Are these rodents striped with chubby cheeks, often burrowing under patios, stairs, retention walls or foundations? You might have a chipmunk issue. Westchester Wildlife offers the best chipmunk trapping and removal in the Pleasantville area, and we can also screen windows and vents and seal holes in foundation walls to prevent further chipmunk issues in the future. 

Coyote Removal in Pleasantville, NY

If you have pets like cats or smaller dogs, or smaller livestock like chicken, lambs, calves and sheep, then one of the biggest dangers you might be facing is the medium sized canine predators known as coyotes. Coyotes are often searching for easy prey, which can lead to them hunting your pets or livestock. If a coyote has recently given birth near your home, it will aggressively defend the area surrounding its den, which can put them into conflict with dogs. Contact Westchester Wildlife for coyote deterrents and removal today. 

Deer Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Deer are easily spooked animals who won’t stay in a yard for a long time, so most deer calls we get involve a deceased deer that needs to be removed from a property. Deer will often die after wandering into yards, or they will die getting stuck on a fence they were attempting to leap over. Deer carcasses can attract further pests and wildlife, including carrion feeders like vultures. If you need dead deer removal in Pleasantville, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Fox Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Some people like having red foxes around, as they will control rodent populations by preying on rats, mice, squirrels and chipmunks. However, when these critters stop moving and decide to settle down on your property, they can be a big problem. Foxes will live in dens they build underneath structures close to homes, like decks, sheds and barns. Even worse, foxes will also prey on pets like house cats and small dogs. Don’t fret, Westchester Wildlife can help. We offer fox deterrents, trapping and removal, and preventative measures like screens and fences to prevent them from returning to your property. 

Groundhog Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Have you spotted a large, brown furry rodent digging holes in your backyard? Have you felt the ground in your yard weaken, like it’s been hollowed out? You most likely have a groundhog problem. Groundhogs are extremely clever critters that do not easily fall for bait or repellents, and if you block off the entrance to their burrows, they will simply dig a new entrance. This can make groundhog trapping and removal extremely difficult. Save yourself the headache and call the wildlife professionals at Westchester Wildlife, we have years of experience in the field of groundhog trapping and removal, and we can effectively solve your groundhog problem. 

Mice Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Mice are one of the most common house pests that you might deal with in your home or business. Telltale signs of a mouse infestation include chewed holes in doors, walls and food packaging, the presence of mice droppings which resemble small grains of rice, and the skittering sounds of them running inside your attic or wall voids. Mice have teeth that constantly grow, so in order to keep them manageable, they will gnaw on everything they can, including the rubber covering around wires which can expose the bare wiring, posing a fire hazard. Mice will also often burrow inside insulation, damaging its effectiveness. If you need mice control services in the Pleasantville, NY area, contact Westchester Wildlife today for mice control solutions.

Mole Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Moles are a small ground-dwelling mammal with powerful front claws that are known for the molehills they create, which are volcano-shaped hills made of kicked up soil that are the entrances to their extensive underground burrows. Molehills can create large amounts of damage as they tear up the roots of grasses, disfigure lawns and parks, destroy flower beds and create havoc in small garden plots. If you have a mole problem in your yard in Pleasantville, NY, call the professionals at Westchester Wildlife today. 

Muskrat Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Ponds, streams, drainage ditches and any other shallow bodies of water on your property can attract the presence of the furry, medium sized semi-aquatic rodent known as the muskrat. Muskrats are named for the musky odor they emit during mating season and while marking their territory. Muskrats can carry rabies and are often aggressive when confronted, so always leave muskrat trapping and removal to the licensed technicians at Westchester Wildlife. 

Pigeon Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Pigeons are one of the most highly adaptable nuisance birds that have absolutely no problem adapting to urban environments, like cities and the suburbs. Pigeons are unique as they do not fear humans, and instead associate them with food handouts. Pigeons may seem harmless, but they will build their nests inside drain pipes and vents, and the dry nesting material they bring in could cause a fire hazard. The corrosive droppings inside pigeon droppings can damage buildings over time, and their feathers can contaminate food as well as livestock feed. Westchester Wildlife offers pigeon removal services, and if a pigeon has died on your property or in your vents, we also provide dead pigeon removal services. 

Raccoon Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Do you have raccoons stomping around your attic? These clever critters will tear through roof shingles, soffits, siding, chimney caps and mushroom vent caps to get inside your attic, where they will rip up your insulation to make their nests and leave behind their droppings, which can spread diseases like raccoon roundworm. Raccoons can also spread diseases like rabies and canine distemper to your pets. Raccoons are drawn to homes by unsealed trash cans and bowls of pet food left outside overnight. If you need raccoon trapping, removal and prevention in Pleasantville, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Rat Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Rats are a common problem for homeowners, as they will contaminate your food supplies, leave behind their urine and feces, damage your insulation and gnaw holes in wooden structures around your property. There are two main rat species, the Norway rat and the Roof rat. Norway rats are large, brown and stick close to the ground, burrowing alongside foundations, beneath woodpiles and around gardens, while infesting basements, crawl spaces and ground floors. Roof rats are smaller, black/gray and arboreal, meaning they prefer to nest in higher ground, like inside attics, fake ceilings, wall voids and cabinets. Both species of rat are very destructive and can easily spiral into a full on infestation, so protect against rat damage today with a rat control program from Westchester Wildlife. 

Shrew Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Shrews are tiny, mouselike mammals with elongated snouts that are usually not considered pests, due to their low negative impact. However, when these little critters live near your home, they can cause plenty of issues. Similar to mice, shrews love to feed on stored foods and can contaminate them with urine and feces. Be careful handling shrews, as they are known to bite. Contact Westchester Wildlife today if you need shrew removal in Pleasantville, NY. 

Skunk Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Skunks are one of the most infamous suburban wildlife, as the noxious spray they release when threatened is extremely irritating to the eyes and nose. This isn’t the only thing you need to worry about with skunks however, as these nocturnal mammals can create more issues when they dig out their dens on your property. Skunks will use their powerful front paws to dig out their dens underneath sheds, decks or crawl spaces, and they are also known to inhabit garages. During the wintertime when food is scarce, skunks may also dig up your yard for grubs to eat. Skunks are not something you want to remove yourself, even disregarding their overpowering spray, skunks can also carry the rabies virus. Always leave skunk trapping and removal to the experts at Westchester Wildlife. Our experienced technicians are trained to remove skunks from your property safely and humanely without triggering any sprays. 

Snake Removal in Pleasantville, NY

One of the most obvious signs of a snake infestation in your home in Pleasantville is the presence of snake skins, which is excess skin the snake sheds as it grows. These reptiles are powerful rodent hunters, so a snake living on your property might indicate an underlying rodent issue, and eliminating the rodent problem will most likely cause the snake to move on. Upstate New York is home to a wide variety of snakes, including non venomous species as well as several venomous species like the Northern Copperhead and Timber Rattlesnake. No matter what kind of snake you have, contact Westchester Wildlife today for comprehensive snake removal, control and prevention services today. 

Sparrow Removal in Pleasantville, NY

House sparrows are a very common nuisance bird in the Pleasantville area. These birds will oftentimes best within gutters and drainage pipes, which can block the proper flow of water and eventually lead to water damage. The dry nesting material they bring into dryer vents can create a fire hazard, and the uric acid within their droppings not only can damage buildings, but also contains bacteria, parasites and the spores that cause the fungal lung infection histoplasmosis. Don’t worry, Westchester Wildlife is here to provide you with bird removal, bird nest removal and bird feces clean up. 

Squirrel Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Squirrels are crafty, arboreal rodents that are extremely common in suburban areas, and they are one of the most destructive nuisance animals to have living inside your attic. Squirrels will chew and scratch their way inside through soffit and gable vents, and once inside, squirrels will rip up your insulation to make their nests, during this process they will also oftentimes bring in outside additional nesting material like dry leaves and twigs, which can become a fire hazard. Squirrels can also soil your insulation with their urine and feces, and the smell can attract more squirrels to your property. If you need squirrel trapping and removal in Pleasantville, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Starling Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Starlings, similar to pigeons and sparrows, are a very common nuisance bird that loves to nest inside soffits and cavities within open buildings. Sparrows can spread illnesses like the fungal lung infection histoplasmosis with their feces, and their droppings also contain corrosive uric acid that can contaminate buildings over time. If you have starlings nesting in your home or business, contact Westchester Wildlife today for bird removal and cleanup. 

Wasp Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Wasps are a very aggressive stinging insect that are prone to swarming when they are threatened, as they can release a pheromone when killed that calls for other wasps to attack. Wasps also have smooth stingers that allow them to hit you multiple times with painful stings, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. Never try to remove a wasp’s nest yourself, always leave it to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife. 

Woodchuck Removal in Pleasantville, NY

Woodchucks are another name for groundhogs, and these large, brown furry rodents are known to dig extensive burrows in yards which can hollow out and weaken the ground below. Woodchucks can also eat the vegetables out of your garden, which puts them into conflict with homeowners. Woodchucks travel underground and are extremely clever, which means it is very hard to trap them. Always leave woodchuck trapping in Pleasantville, NY to the professionals at Westchester Wildlife.