Licensed and Insured



Licensed and Insured

Westchester Wildlife - Nuisance Animal Removal for Yorktown, NY

If you are having issues with nuisance wildlife in your home or business in the Yorktown area of upstate New York, don’t worry, Westchester Wildlife is here to help. We offer comprehensive, professional wildlife removal services including wildlife damage repair, wildlife exclusion, dead animal location and carcass removal, animal clearance certificates and nuisance wildlife trapping, deterrents and removal. Westchester Wildlife proudly services Yorktown and the surrounding counties, including Westchester County, NY, Dutchess County, NY, Putnam County, NY and Fairfield County, CT. 

Professional Nuisance Wildlife Removal Service in Yorktown, NY

Yorktown, New York is home to many different types of wildlife, including some that can be nuisances to homeowners and businesses. That’s where professional nuisance wildlife removal services come in. These services can help to remove animals that are causing problems, and they can also help to prevent future problems by making sure that the area is properly secured against wildlife intrusion. Some of the most common nuisance wildlife animals in Yorktown include raccoons, squirrels, bats, and skunks. These animals can get into garbage cans and dumpsters, and they can also invade homes and businesses through openings in the roof or foundation. Once inside, they can cause all sorts of damage, including chewing through electrical wiring, urinating and defecating inside, and even causing structural damage by gnawing on wood or drywall. Professional nuisance wildlife removal services can help to get rid of these animals quickly and efficiently, and they can also help to repair any damage that has been caused. In addition, these services can also help to prevent future problems by sealing up any openings that animals could use to get inside your home or business.

If you’re having problems with nuisance wildlife in Yorktown, don’t hesitate to contact Westchester Wildlife. Our licensed experts can help to solve your problem, and we can also help prevent future problems from occurring.

We can remove a wide range of different wildlife, including: 

Animal in Attic Removal in Yorktown, NY

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Yorktown, NY

Beaver Removal  in Yorktown, NY

Bee Removal Specialists in Yorktown, NY

Bird Removal  in Yorktown, NY

Chipmunk Removal in Yorktown, NY

Coyote Removal  in Yorktown, NY

Deer Removal in Yorktown, NY

Fox Removal in Yorktown, NY

Groundhog Removal in Yorktown, NY

Mice Removal in Yorktown, NY

Mole Removal in Yorktown, NY

Muskrat Removal in Yorktown, NY

Pigeon Removal in Yorktown, NY

Raccoon Removal in Yorktown, NY

Rat Removal in Yorktown, NY

Shrew Removal in Yorktown, NY

Skunk Removal in Yorktown, NY

Snake Removal in Yorktown, NY

Sparrow Removal in Yorktown, NY

Squirrel Removal in Yorktown, NY

Starling Removal in Yorktown, NY

Wasp Removal  in Yorktown, NY

Woodchuck Removal  in Yorktown, NY

Wildlife Repair in Yorktown, NY, Animal Damage Exclusion in Yorktown, NY

Wildlife exclusion, or animal proofing, is a form of wildlife control that involves preventing animals from gaining access to your home in the first place, or ensuring they cannot return once removed. However, Westchester Wildlife does NOT engage in animal rehabilitation. 

Wildlife exclusion, or animal proofing, is a form of wildlife control that involves preventing animals from gaining access to your home in the first place, or ensuring they cannot return once removed. However, Westchester Wildlife does NOT engage in animal rehabilitation.

If you are in need of a wildlife damage repair service in Yorktown, New York, or animal exclusion in Yorktown, New York, then look no further than Westchester Wildlife. We are experts in preventing animals from gaining access to your home in the first place, or ensuring they cannot return once removed. We also specialize in the humane removal of animals from your property. Westchester Wildlife is fully licensed and insured, and our staff is experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of wildlife damage repair and animal exclusion.

One of the most common problems we encounter is animals gaining access to attics or crawl spaces. This can be a particular problem in the springtime, when animals are looking for a safe place to nest and raise their young. Once animals are in your attic or crawlspace, they can cause a great deal of damage, and they can also pose a health and safety risk to you and your family.

That’s why it’s important to call Westchester Wildlife as soon as you suspect you have an animal problem. We will conduct a thorough inspection of your property and determine the best course of action to take. In most cases, we can safely and humanely remove the animals from your property and then seal up any entry points to prevent them from returning.

We also offer a wide range of animal exclusion services to keep animals out of your home or business in the first place. This can include installing physical barriers such as screens, chimney caps, or vent covers. We can also provide you with advice on making your property less attractive to animals, such as eliminating food sources and water sources, and reducing clutter.

If you are dealing with a wildlife damage or animal exclusion issue in Yorktown, New York, don’t hesitate to contact Westchester Wildlife. We will be happy to discuss your specific situation and provide you with a free estimate.

Dead Animal Location in Yorktown, NY, Carcass Removal in Yorktown, NY

Yorktown is home to a large population of wildlife, and sometimes those animals can unfortunately make their way into buildings and die. If you have begun noticing a strong odor and suspect there is a dead animal in your Yorktown home or business, Westchester Wildlife is here to locate and remove the dead animal, and thoroughly disinfect the affected area.

It can be extremely distressing to find a dead animal on your property, especially if you don’t know how it got there or what to do about it. If you have a strong suspicion that there is a dead animal somewhere on your Yorktown property, it’s important to act fast and call in professional help. Westchester Wildlife is experienced in dead animal removal and can be counted on to quickly and safely take care of the problem.

Once we arrive at your property, we will work quickly to locate the dead animal. This is not always an easy task, as animals can sometimes crawl into small spaces or die in hard-to-reach places. Once the animal is located, we will remove it and dispose of it in a humane and sanitary manner.

In addition to removing the dead animal, we will also take care of any mess it may have left behind and thoroughly disinfect the area. This is important in order to prevent the spread of disease and ensure that your property is safe and clean.

If you are dealing with a dead animal on your Yorktown property, don’t hesitate to call Westchester Wildlife. We will quickly and efficiently take care of the problem so that you can rest easy.

Animal Clearance Certificate in Yorktown, NY

Animal Clearance Certificates are necessary when a property inspector has found evidence of nuisance wildlife activity in a home that you are selling or buying. Animal Clearance Certificates certify that a property has been cleared of all animal activity. 

Are you selling or buying a home in the New York area and an inspector noted evidence of animals?

Westchester Wildlife can perform a comprehensive inspection, and if we find a wildlife problem, we will take the proper steps to remove it, close the entry points, repair any damages the animal caused, and complete exclusion work on the entry points. We will provide you with an animal clearance certificate upon completion of the job. 

Westchester Wildlife does not provide standard termite or pest control services. We handle animal and bee related conflicts only.

Animal in Attic Removal in Yorktown, NY

​If you’re like many homeowners, you may have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with an animal in your attic. Perhaps you’ve heard the telltale signs of scurrying feet or scratching noises coming from above, or you may have even seen the animal itself. Whatever the case may be, dealing with an animal in your attic can be a daunting task. Thankfully, Westchester Wildlife is here to help. The first thing we will do is identify the type of animal that has taken up residence in your attic. This is important because different animals require different removal methods. For instance, if you have a squirrel in your attic, we’ll need to take steps to seal up any entry points to prevent more squirrels from getting in. On the other hand, if you have a raccoon in your attic, we’ll need to trap it and remove it from your property. Animal removal can be a tricky business, so it’s important to make sure that you’re taking the right steps to remove the animal from your attic safely and effectively and call Westchester Wildlife. 

Bat Removal, Exclusion in Yorktown, NY

If you have bats in your home, it’s important to remove them and exclude them from returning. Bats can carry diseases and parasites, and their droppings can contain the spores that cause the respiratory illness histoplasmosis. Fortunately, Westchester Wildlife is here to remove bats and keep them from returning. To keep bats from returning, we will need to seal off all of the openings they use to get into your home. This includes gaps in the siding, holes in the brickwork, and openings around pipes and vents. We will use caulk, expandable foam, or other materials to seal these openings. Once all of the openings are sealed, you can then set up a one-way door. This will allow the bats to leave your home but not return.. Owner of Westchester Wildlife Jim Driesacker invented the Batcone and Pro-cone, which are industry tested humane bat removal and exclusion products that can be used for both residential and commercial properties. If you have bats in your attic in Yorktown, NY, trust the bat experts and call Westchester Wildlife. 

Beaver Removal, Exclusion in Yorktown, NY

Do you have running water on your property attracting beavers? Beavers are a federally protected wildlife species, and no person is allowed at any time to disturb a beaver’s dam, house or den according to Section 11-505 of the “Fish and Wildlife Law”. If beavers are causing trouble on your property in Yorktown, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife. We are authorized by NYS DEC to address permit-based issues pertaining to managing beaver damage. 

Bee Removal Specialists in Yorktown, NY

Are you in need of a bee removal specialist in Yorktown, NY? Westchester Wildlife can help, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to safely and effectively remove bees from your property. Bees are beneficial insects that play an important role in the ecosystem. However, they can also be a nuisance when they decide to take up residence on your property. When bees become a problem, it’s important to call in a professional to handle the situation. Bee stings can be painful and even cause allergic reactions in some people. Westchester Wildlife offers safe, professional and humane removal and relocation of bees and beehives from both residential and commercial areas. We can remove honey bees as well as wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. 

Bird Removal in Yorktown, NY

Are you in need of bird removal or bird nest removal in Yorktown, NY? Then you have come to the right place! Here at Westchester Wildlife, we are experts in the removal of birds and bird nests from both commercial and residential properties. We will also take measures to prevent the birds from returning, such as installing bird netting and exclusions. There are many reasons why you may need bird removal or bird nest removal services. Birds can cause substantial damage to your property, including to your siding, windows, and roof. They can also create a health hazard, as their droppings can contain harmful bacteria. In addition, birds can be very noisy, and their constant chirping can be extremely irritating. If you are dealing with any of these issues, then give us a call today and we will be happy to help!

Chipmunk Removal in Yorktown, NY

If you have noticed a small rodent eating flower seeds and bulbs and burrowing under patios, stairs, retention walls or foundations, then you might have a chipmunk issue. Chipmunks are also known to eat bird seed out of the bird feeder, as well as leftover pet food if it is not brought inside. Call Westchester Wildlife today for chipmunk trapping and removal in Yorktown, NY as well as preventative measures such as sealing holes in foundation walls and screening windows and vents. s. 

Coyote Removal in Yorktown, NY

Coyotes are medium sized predators closely related to dogs that pose a serious threat to pets, livestock and crops. Coyotes are often searching for easy prey, which can include cats, smaller dogs, and livestock like chicken, sheep, lambs and calves. Coyotes will aggressively defend the area around their denning site to protect their young, which can often cause them to come in conflict with dogs. If you need coyote deterrents and removal in Yorktown, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Deer Removal in Yorktown, NY

Deer are easily scared off, so most of the time they won’t stick around in your yard long enough to cause damage. Instead, most deer issues come with deer jumping out in front of cars and getting hit. Deer will often die in yards or die while stuck on fences, and their carcasses can often attract further pests and wildlife. Westchester Wildlife can remove dead deer from your yard as well as provide preventative measures to keep deer from returning to your home.

Fox Removal in Yorktown, NY

If you’re in need of fox removal in Yorktown, NY, you’ve come to the right place. At Westchester Wildlife, we have the experience and expertise to safely and effectively remove foxes from your property. There are a number of reasons you may need fox removal services. Perhaps you’ve seen a fox on your property and you’re concerned about the safety of your family and pets. Or, you may have noticed damage to your property that you believe was caused by a fox. Whatever the reason, we’re here to help. When you call us for fox removal, we will first assess the situation and determine the best course of action. We will then safely and humanely remove the fox or deter the fox from nesting on your property. Once the fox is gone, we will take steps to prevent future foxes from taking up residence on your property. If you’re in need of fox removal in Yorktown, NY, don’t hesitate to call Westchester Wildlife. We’re here to help you take care of your pest problem, quickly and efficiently.

Groundhog Removal in Yorktown, NY

Groundhogs are the large, furry, brown rodent that is known for creating large burrows in yards and gardens, which will often weaken the ground above. They are a nuisance to both homeowners and farmers because they eat crops and can damage property. If you have a groundhog problem on your property contact Westchester Wildlife for groundhog trapping and removal. Our first step is to identify where the groundhogs are living. This can be done by looking for signs of digging, such as small holes or mounds of dirt. Once you have found the burrow, we will set up a live trap. Once we have caught the groundhog, we will relocate it. If you live in Yorktown, NY, contact Westchester Wildlife for the best groundhog removal service in the area. 

Mice Removal in Yorktown, NY

Mice are one of the most common house pests that you might come across in Yorktown, NY. If you have noticed the presence of chewed holes in doors, walls and food packing, mice droppings which look like small grains of rice, or the small scratching and skittering sounds of them running around inside your walls or attic, then you most likely have a mice infestation. If you have a mice infestation in your home, it is important to take care of it as soon as possible. Mice can carry diseases and they can also cause damage to your home by chewing on wires and eating your food. There are a few different ways to get rid of mice, but the most effective way is to call a professional. At Westchester Wildlife, we have years of experience dealing with mice infestations. We will come to your home and inspect it to determine the extent of the infestation. We will then set up traps and baits to catch the mice. Once the mice are gone, we will seal up any holes or cracks that they were using to get into your home.

Mole Removal in Yorktown, NY

Have you ever walked outside to find your lawn dotted with volcano-shaped hills made of kicked up soil? These are molehills, and they are a clear indicator that you have moles burrowing on your property. Moles are a small ground-dwelling mammal that can disfigure lawns and parks, tear up the roots of grasses, destroy flower beds and create havoc in small garden plots. If you have a mole problem in Yorktown, NY, call the professionals at Westchester Wildlife today. 

Muskrat Removal in Yorktown, NY

Muskrats are a furry, medium sized semi-aquatic rodent that can be found near shallow bodies of water like ponds, streams or drainage ditches. Muskrats are named for the musky odor they emit during mating season and while marking their territory. Never confront these animals, as they carry diseases like rabies and can become aggressive when provoked. If you have shallow bodies of water on your property in Yorktown, NY attracting muskrats, contact Westchester Wildlife today for muskrat trapping and removal. 

Pigeon Removal in Yorktown, NY

Pigeons are one of the most highly-adapted nuisance wildlife, as they are very comfortable in urban environments and are typically not afraid of humans at all, as pigeons associate humans with food handouts. Pigeons can cause fire hazards with their nests that they will establish inside vents and drainpipes. Pigeon droppings are corrosive, and can damage buildings over time. Pigeon feathers can contaminate food as well as livestock feed. Westchester Wildlife offers pigeon trapping and removal services, and if a pigeon has died on your property or in your vents, we also provide dead pigeon removal services. 

Raccoon Removal in Yorktown, NY

​If you’re dealing with raccoons in your Yorktown, NY home, it’s important to find a professional wildlife removal company like Westchester Wildlife to help you get rid of them. Raccoons are one of the most common animals that people have to deal with when it comes to wildlife removal, and they can be a real nuisance if they’re not dealt with properly. Not only are raccoons destructive, but they can also be dangerous to you and your family if they’re not removed from your property. There are a few different ways to remove raccoons from your property, but the most effective way is to call a professional wildlife removal company like Westchester Wildlife. We have the proper equipment and knowledge to get rid of the raccoons quickly and safely. We will also be able to give you advice on how to keep raccoons from returning to your property in the future. Once the raccoons are removed from your property, we will seal up any holes or cracks that they might use to get back inside. You also need to remove any food sources that they might be attracted to, such as garbage cans or pet food. If you have a lot of trees on your property, you might consider trimming them back so the raccoons can’t use them to get back onto your roof.

Rat Removal in Yorktown, NY

Rats can contaminate food supplies, leave behind their urine and feces, damage insulation and gnaw holes in wooden structures. Westchester Wildlife offers rat control programs in Yorktown, to protect your home from rat damage. If you’re dealing with a rat problem in Yorktown, NY, you’re not alone. Rats are a common problem in many areas of the country, and they can be tough to get rid of. The best way to get rid of rats in your area is to contact the licensed experts at Westchester Wildlife, we will be able to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. Trapping is often the most effective method of rat removal. There are many different types of traps available, and the best type for your situation will depend on the type of rats you’re dealing with and the size of the infestation. Baiting is another popular method of rat removal. If you’re dealing with a serious rat problem, it’s important to take action quickly. Otherwise, the rats will just keep breeding and the infestation will get worse. If you’re not sure how to get rid of rats in your area, contact Westchester Wildlife today. 

Shrew Removal in Yorktown, NY

Shrews are tiny mammals, even smaller than mice, that are identifiable by their long snouts. Shrews are not considered pests as they typically don’t have significant negative impacts, but they can cause some issues when they live near homes. Shrews can feed on stored foods and contaminate them with urine and feces, and they can bite humans if they are handled improperly. If you need shrew removal in Yorktown, contact Westchester Wildlife today for shrew trapping and removal. 

Skunk Removal in Yorktown, NY

Skunks are the primarily nocturnal animal that are infamous for the foul odor they can spray when they feel threatened, which can be overpowering and irritate the eyes. Skunks can dig into soil and underneath concrete to make their dens under structures like sheds, decks or crawl spaces, and they might also inhabit garages. Skunks will also dig up yards in search of grubs to eat, and skunks can carry the rabies virus. The experienced technicians at Westchester Wildlife are trained to remove skunks from your property safely and humanely without triggering their defensive spraying behavior. 

Snake Removal in Yorktown, NY

Yorktown, NY is home to a wide variety of both non-venomous and venomous snakes. Some of the venomous snakes in the area include the Northern Copperhead and Timber Rattlesnake. ​If you have a snake in your home, it’s important to remove it as soon as possible. Snakes can be dangerous, and they can also be a nuisance. Westchester Wildlife offers snake removal as well as rodent programs to eliminate their food source. Once the snake is removed from your home, it’s important to take steps to prevent another snake from getting in. Make sure all holes and cracks are sealed, and keep food and garbage securely stored. If you have a pet door, make sure it’s properly screened. You should also keep an eye out for snakes when you’re outside, especially if you’re in an area where snakes are known to live. If you see a snake, don’t approach it. Leave it alone and call a professional snake removal company.

Sparrow Removal in Yorktown, NY

House sparrows are a very common nuisance bird in Yorktown, NY. The droppings of these birds contain uric acid which can cause structural damage, as well as bacteria, fungal agents like the spores that cause histoplasmosis, and parasites that pose a health risk. House sparrows are also prone to nesting within gutters and drainage pipes, which can block the proper flow of water and lead to water damage. They will also nest in dryer vents and machinery which can create a fire hazard. Contact Westchester Wildlife today for bird infestation, feces clean up, and bird removal in Yorktown, NY. 

Squirrel Removal in Yorktown, NY

Do you have a squirrel problem in Yorktown, NY? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners in this area have to deal with these pesky little creatures on a daily basis. But there’s no need to worry, because there are a few things you can do to get rid of them for good. One of the best methods of squirrel removal is trapping. This involves setting up a trap baited with food that the squirrels are attracted to. Once they enter the trap, they will be unable to get out and we can then safely release them far away from your home. If you have a squirrel issue on your property, contact Westchester Wildlife today. We are experienced in dealing with all sorts of wildlife, including squirrels. We can safely and effectively remove the squirrels from your property so that you no longer have to deal with them.

Starling Removal in Yorktown, NY

Starlings are a nuisance bird in Yorktown, NY that will commonly build their nests within soffits and cavities inside open buildings. The most present danger that starlings pose is the effects of their droppings. The uric acid within their droppings can cause structural damage to buildings, and their feces is full of bacteria, parasites and fungal agents. Westchester Wildlife’s licensed, insured wildlife technicians can safely remove the starling problem from your property and prevent them from returning. 

Wasp Removal in Yorktown, NY

If you have wasps in your home or office in Yorktown, NY, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Wasps can be dangerous, and their stings can be painful. In some cases, they can even be life-threatening. Westchester Wildlife can help, we are licensed professionals experienced in wasp removal. The first step in getting rid of wasps is to identify where they’re coming from. If you see wasps near your windows or doors, they may be getting into your home through those openings. Wasps can also get through cracks in walls or holes in screens. Once we’ve found the opening that the wasps are using to get into your home, we can seal it up to prevent them from coming back. If you have wasps in your yard, they may be nesting in trees, bushes, or in the ground. To get rid of them, we’ll need to find the nest and destroy it. Never attempt to remove a nest yourself, as wasps can swarm and their stings can be very painful, and may even cause allergic reactions in some people.  Once you’ve gotten rid of the wasps in your home or office, it’s important to take steps to prevent them from coming back. Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible, and seal up any cracks or holes that they could use to get inside. If you have wasps in your yard, trim back trees and bushes so they don’t have any place to nest.

Woodchuck Removal in Yorktown, NY

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are large, brown furry rodents with prominent front teeth and powerful claws for digging that are known to create large underground tunnels, often underneath homes and sheds which can cause damage to the foundation. Woodchucks will eat a wide variety of garden vegetables, which will also put them in conflict with some homeowners. Woodchucks are very clever and difficult to trap, so it’s best to leave woodchuck trapping and removal to the experts at Westchester Wildlife.