Dangers of a Skunk Problem
Skunks are the small striped black and white critters that are known for the extremely foul-smelling spray that they will douse threats and potential predators in. The smell of skunk sprays is very difficult to get rid of, especially if a skunk sprays your curious dog. However, this isn’t the only damage that skunks can do. Skunks will also knock over trash cans and raid left out pet food bowls, and they are also known to rip up your grass to find grubs to eat. Skunks will also dig out dens underneath sheds, porches, decks, and inside crawl spaces, spraying around these areas to mark their territory. Don’t worry, Westchester Wildlife can help. In addition to humane skunk trapping and removal services, we also offer wildlife barriers and exclusions to keep these critters off your Westchester property in the future.
Skunk Feeding Habits
Skunks are omnivorous scavengers, eating whatever edible thing they come across. Skunks will prey on mice, birds, bird eggs, voles, moles, and insects like grasshoppers, wasps, bees, crickets, beetles, and especially beetle larvae, also known as grubs. Because grubs are found deep within soil, skunks will rip up your lawn to find these easy meals. Skunks can also feed on your garden crops and any fruits, nuts, or seeds growing in your garden. Skunks are also excellent scavengers, and will happily knock over garbage cans for food, or raid your pet food bowls. Never feed skunks intentionally, as this will make the skunks lose their natural fear of humans, which can result in large congregations of skunks on your property, waiting for the next free meal.
Skunk Sprays
The biggest risk associated with skunks is the extremely foul-smelling spray they will unleash on whatever is posing a direct threat to them. Thankfully, skunks are not an aggressive animal, and will prefer to run away from a fight. Even if a skunk does spray, it gives plenty of warning signs. Skunks about to spray will adopt a wide stance, raise their tail in the air, and aggressively stomp their feet, so if you see a skunk displaying these behaviors, remove yourself from the situation immediately. Skunk sprays can be a major irritant, affecting the eyes, nose, and respiratory system. The odor is unbearable and can cause nausea, and it is very difficult to get rid of. It’s even more difficult to get rid of when the skunk sprays your dog, as the scent can get trapped in their fur.
Skunk Dens
Skunks don’t nest inside attic spaces like raccoons or squirrels, instead they prefer to dig out dens for themselves and their young closer to the ground. Skunks will nest inside crawl spaces and underneath decks, porches, or sheds. Skunks also love rock piles or woodpiles, as they provide ideal cover. Skunks will spend lots of time in their dens during periods of harsh weather, or after they use their spraying defense, as it can take over a week for their scent gland to replenish itself. Skunks will also spray to mark their territory, and if they are spraying inside your crawl space or underneath your deck, the smell can rise up into your home.
Skunk Trapping and Removal
Never attempt to trap or remove skunks by yourself, as they can and will spray if they feel cornered, and they are also armed with sharp teeth and claws that they can lash out with, especially if they are protecting their babies. Skunks can spread rabies through their scratches and bites, so always leave skunk removal to the experts at Westchester Wildlife. Our team will safely and humanely trap and remove skunks, taking special care to remove the skunk babies with their mother. If you need skunk trapping and removal services in Westchester County, NY, Putnam County, NY, Dutchess County, NY, Fairfield County, CT or Litchfield County, CT, contact the experts at Westchester Wildlife today at (914) 760-5713!
How To Keep Skunks Out
The best way to deal with a skunk problem is to take preventative measures to keep them from coming to your property in the first place. Keep your trash cans tightly sealed, and do not feed your pet outdoors, as trash cans and pet food bowls are a common food source for skunks. Skunks may wander into your garage, so keep your garage door closed at night. Westchester Wildlife can also help, we can install wildlife barriers underneath your porch, deck, or shed to prevent skunks from digging underneath.
Best Skunk Removal in Westchester County
Skunks are a common nuisance animal that can douse you and your pets in their overwhelmingly awful scent, which is very difficult to get rid of. Skunks are also known to rip up lawns to search for grubs to eat, and they will knock over your trash cans and get into your garage to search for any pet food you might’ve left out. Skunks can also dig out dens underneath your porch, deck, or inside your crawl space, and they will spray to mark their territory. Don’t try to remove skunks yourself, as they can bite and scratch, and they are common rabies vectors. Westchester Wildlife can help. We offer skunk trapping and removal services in Westchester, as well as skunk exclusions, skunk damage repair and wildlife barriers. Contact us today to get started with a FREE estimate at (914) 760-5713!