Category: Bat Removal

The Benefits of Installing Bat Houses for Natural Pest Control

The Benefits of Installing Bat Houses for Natural Pest Control

Bats are associated with diseases like rabies and histoplasmosis, and they are the last thing you want in your attic. However, bats can be a beneficial species to have on your property when they aren’t in your house, as they serve as a means of natural pest control. Natural pest control is an effective and environmentally friendly way to manage insect populations. Bats play a crucial role in this process due to their diet, which primarily consists of insects. Installing bat houses can encourage these bats to nest on your property, providing a habitat for bats and helping reduce the need for chemical pesticides. In addition, the presence of bat houses on your property can lower the likelihood of these critters nesting within your attic. These simple structures offer a safe place for bats to roost and raise their young, supporting local ecosystems and promoting biodiversity.

Understanding Bats and Their Role in Pest Control

Westchester is home to several common bat species, including the Little Brown Bat and the Big Brown Bat. These bats are incredibly effective natural pest controllers due to their diet, which mainly consists of insects such as mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and flies. A single bat can consume thousands of insects in one night, significantly reducing pest populations around your property. This natural method of pest control helps maintain ecological balance and reduces the need for chemical pesticides, making bats valuable allies in our environment.

Advantages of Installing Bat Houses

Bat houses offer a natural solution to pest control, allowing homeowners to reduce insect populations without relying on harmful chemicals. Bats feed on a wide variety of insects, helping to keep your yard and garden free from pests. In addition, by supporting bat populations, bat houses contribute to maintaining ecological balance. Bats play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal, further enhancing biodiversity and the health of local ecosystems.

Providing bat houses gives bats a safe and dedicated place to roost, reducing the likelihood of them nesting in your home’s attic or walls. Bats in the attic can pose health risks due to guano accumulation and potential for disease transmission, so offering a bat house protects both you and the bats. If you have bats getting inside your attic, contact Westchester Wildlife for bat removal services at (800) 273-6673.

Choosing and Installing the Right Bat House

There are various types of bat houses designed to meet different needs and preferences. Single-chamber bat houses are simple and ideal for smaller bat populations, while multi-chamber bat houses provide more space and are suitable for larger colonies. Rocket boxes and nursery houses offer specialized designs for different bat behaviors and colony structures. The location of your bat house is critical for attracting bats. Install the bat house at least 12-20 feet above the ground on a pole, building, or tree. Proximity to water sources and the presence of nearby trees for bats to navigate can also increase the chances of occupancy.

To make your bat house more appealing, ensure it is painted a dark color to absorb heat, which bats need for roosting. Avoid placing the bat house near bright lights, as bats prefer darker, quieter areas. Providing a water source nearby, such as a pond or stream, can also attract bats. Additionally, avoid using pesticides in the vicinity to maintain a healthy environment for the bats. Regularly check and maintain the bat house to ensure it remains in good condition, free from predators and pests.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Proper maintenance of your bat house ensures it remains a safe and inviting roosting site. Inspect the bat house annually for any damage or wear, and repair or replace it as needed. Clean out any debris, insects, or bird nests that might have settled in the house. Make sure the bat house is securely mounted and stable.

Keep the bat house free from predators by installing predator guards if necessary. Maintain the surrounding environment by avoiding pesticide use and ensuring nearby water sources are clean. Regular maintenance and monitoring help ensure the bat house continues to provide a beneficial habitat for bats, contributing to effective natural pest control.

Bat Removal in Westchester County

Installing bat houses offers natural pest control by providing bats with a safe roosting spot. This reduces the need for chemical pesticides, supports local ecosystems, and keeps bats out of your home. Embrace the ecological benefits of bat houses and enjoy a chemical-free solution to pest control. By installing a bat house, you contribute to environmental sustainability and create a healthier habitat for local wildlife. If bats have taken up residence in your attic, Westchester Wildlife can help. Our team specializes in safe and humane bat removal, ensuring your home is bat-free. Contact us at (800) 273-6673 for professional bat removal services in Westchester County.

Is It Bad To Have Bats In Your Chimney?

While bats are considered to be beneficial to the environment, having them in your chimney and home is anything but pleasant.

Typically, chimneys can be a way for bats to get in by mistake. This wildlife can accidentally enter your house through the chimney. Whatever the case, there are multiple issues and dangers associated with having bats in the chimney and you should therefore deal with the infestation as soon as possible.

Bats can cause serious annoyance and a real danger to your chimney. Many bat species tend to colonize, and the chimney is a great place for bats to build their nest. The nesting material can go up flames when a fire is burning in your fireplace and cause a chimney fire if not taken care of immediately.

When bats roost in chimneys, their urine and droppings accumulate on roof shingles and bricks. This results in a musty odor and dirty runoff when it rains.

The whole house will start to smell, making it unbearable to live in.

Bats living in the chimney also create unsightly, dark, greasy stains that look similar to those left by rodents.

If you spot a bat trapped in your chimney, you should not touch or go near it, even when it’s dead. Bats are dangerous animals as they spread numerous diseases that can be deadly to humans. Whenever bats live near humans, there is a high risk of contracting rabies from their bite. Even a dead bat may carry the disease.

In addition, bat urine and droppings can also be harmful to the health of those who live in the house. Airborne spores that develop in guano, i.e. bat feces, can transmit Histoplasmosis to people.


Can Bats Get In Through The Chimney?

Bats can quickly fly down and up the chimney. If you go outside and watch their flight direction, you may see them heading out to feed at dusk or getting back at dawn.

These pests will infest homes by slipping around metal flashing around the chimney. They have the ability to fit into very small openings and can enter the chimney through a gap as small as 3/8 of an inch.

If you have bats in your chimney chances there is likely some damage to the  chimney or a missing cap in the structure. Bats tend to enter chimneys through loose mortar joints or tuck points.

The chimney is a convenient place for bats to find entry into your home. As you probably don’t have a fire burning in your fireplace 24/7, these mammals will easily access the interior of your home.

The chimney is a logical path to choose as its structure is basically a large passageway that leads from your home’s warm interior to the cold outside world. The protected shaft provides a safe haven for wildlife to build nests and a quiet place for them to shelter from the elements. However, bats roosting in the chimney is bad news for you.

Do Bats Roost And Live In Chimneys?

Typically, bats are found living in attics and crawl spaces, but it is very common to encounter them living inside chimneys as well.

Bats love to live in the chimneys of residential and commercial buildings. Chimneys can be a great home for critters as they offer all of the roosting requirements for bat colonies. They are dark and secluded, and give enough space for them to hang upside down.

The shelter and warmth of the heat coming up from your house through the chimney makes it a very attractive nesting area.

These animals generally enter chimneys to reproduce and hibernate. Female bats particularly need a warm and safe place in which to raise their young. Therefore, if you have a maternity colony of bats living in your chimney, it can mean a long-lasting problem for your home. This wildlife has strong homing instincts and usually returns to the same roosting site to breed every season.


How To Tell If You Have Bats In Your Chimney?

There are some signs that indicate that you have bats living in your chimney.

Do an inspection to find out exactly where the bats are going in and out. They tend to choose small horizontal openings. If you do a night watch, you might observe the bat swarm flying out of areas near your chimney around dusk or dawn. This is when they are leaving as a group or are returning as a group.

Bats make distinctive sounds in the chimney, which can differentiate them from birds or other wildlife. You may hear high-pitched squeaking, cheeping, and rapid wing movements coming from inside the flue. These sounds are particularly noticeable at dusk and dawn when they are awake and moving around.

Bat droppings can be found around the inside and outside of the chimney. You might smell a strong, unusual ammonia-like odor that’s similar to a dirty litter box.


What To Do If You Have Bats In Your Chimney?

If there are bats infesting your chimney, various methods can be helpful.

First of all, it is important to block their entry by sealing all entrances except one and then installing exclusion tubes. This is a device that is a one-way exit so that the bats can fly out but can’t get back in.

Placing wire mesh screens over a chimney deters bats from roosting, however, make sure you don’t accidentally trap any animal inside.

Chimney caps are another easy method to keep bats and other forms of wildlife from gaining access to your home. Galvanized steel is the best option for sealing holes around chimneys.


Lastly, remember to never attempt to remove a bat from your chimney yourself. Always seek the help of a licensed professional.

If you believe you have unwanted guests in your chimney, don’t panic. Bats in chimneys do not have to be a headache.

At Westchester Wildlife, our experts understand the risks associated with bat removal and know how to safely, humanely, and legally remove these pests from chimneys. Call us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our bat removal services in Westchester, Dutchess, and Putnam Counties, NY, or in Fairfield County, CT.

Two brown hibernating bats

Got Bats? Give us a call at 800-273-6673

Oh yes– it’s bat season! Those things you seeing flying around your house at dusk are not birds– they’re bats!

If you see a bat in your house, DO NOT TOUCH IT! If you can, trap it in one room and give us a call.

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