How To Deal With Pigeon Problems in the Winter
When the freezing temperatures of winter arrive in the Westchester County area, wildlife like groundhogs and snakes will become less active, going into hibernation or torpor to survive the winter. However, several other species of nuisance wildlife are well-adapted to the cold, and will continue searching for sources of food and places to shelter through the winter months. Pigeons are especially well-adapted to surviving the winter, and these nuisance birds, most having lost a natural fear of humans, have no problem seeking food and shelter inside buildings. When pigeons nest inside your property, they can create unsanitary messes, spread parasites, and even damage structures with their acidic droppings. Don’t worry, Westchester Wildlife can help. Our team offers safe, humane pigeon deterrent and removal services in the Westchester, NY area. Contact our team to get started today with a FREE estimate at (800) 273-6673!
Do Pigeons Migrate For The Winter?
When you think of birds in the winter, you might picture a flock of geese flying south in a “v” formation to wait out the colder temperatures. While plenty of birds in New York like sparrows, thrushes and ducks migrate south, the crafty pigeon is more than well-equipped to survive New York’s wintry weather. Pigeons have a thick, downy coat of fluffy feathers that can allow them to survive in temperatures as low as -40 degrees fahrenheit! Pigeons are also well-adapted to eating bread crumbs and other human food that we leave outside year-round, so they don’t face a shortage of food in the winter. Pigeons tend to not have the usual fear of humans that other birds do, so they might become even more bold in the winter, getting closer to our homes and businesses as they search for food scraps and warm places to build their nests.
Pigeon in Attic Damage
During the winter, pigeons that are well-adapted to urban and suburban areas will be searching for safe, warm places to begin building their nests. Unfortunately, your home’s attic provides the perfect harborage for these avian pests. Pigeons will nest inside your attic, your dryer vents, your gutters, and any other little pocket they can find in your home. Pigeon nests can be dangerous, as the dry twigs, dead leaves, dead grass and straw can lead to a fire hazard, especially if they are nesting inside your dryer vent. If their nests are inside your attic space, these birds can damage your shingles and your siding as they enter and exit the attic. Pigeons might also rip out your attic insulation to add to their nests, which can decrease the insulation’s ability to resist heat. However, the most significant damage caused by pigeons nesting in your home is through their corrosive droppings. Pigeon droppings are known to contain acidic uric acid, which can eat away at materials like wood, metal, shingles, and paint. Not only can this corrode the structures in your home, it can also lead to unsightly staining.
Diseases Spread by Pigeons
Pigeon droppings often contain the spores that cause the fungal lung infection histoplasmosis. When you move or disturb pigeon droppings, the spores get kicked up into the air, and can infect you when you breathe these spores in. Additionally, pigeon droppings can also spread other illnesses like the bacterial disease psittacosis, the fungal disease cryptococcosis, and foodborne illnesses like E. coli and salmonella. Additionally, pigeons can carry bat bugs, a small insect pest that are very similar to bed bugs. Pigeons can also spread bird mites into your home. Pigeons pose a significant health hazard, and the more pigeons that are roosting in your home, the more significant the health threat is. It’s important to protect yourself by having nuisance pigeons removed or deterred as soon as possible.
Humane Pigeon Removal Services
Pigeons can pose a risk to your home through their flammable nests and their corrosive droppings, and they can also pose a health hazard to you and your family through the various diseases and parasites they carry and spread. If you are hearing pigeon coos and flapping noises coming from your attic, or if you are seeing pigeon droppings and feathers around your property, it’s best to contact a licensed wildlife removal professional like Westchester Wildlife for pigeon removal services immediately. Our team of wildlife experts will carefully inspect your home for signs of pigeons, locating all the entry points and nesting. We will safely and humanely trap and remove all the pigeons on your property, and remediate any damage caused by these pest birds. Additionally, we also offer dead bird removal if you have a dead pigeon inside your home or yard. If you need pigeon removal services in the Westchester area, contact our team today to get on the schedule at (800) 273-6673.
Pigeon Deterrents
In addition to pigeon removal services, pigeon deterrents are also effective at keeping these pesky birds away from your property. Bird spikes can be placed around target areas like roofs to keep pigeons from landing on your home, and bird netting can prevent them from getting inside your yard. Getting rid of bird feeders and bird baths can help deter pigeons, and so can ensuring that you have a tight, sealed lid on your trash cans. Westchester Wildlife offers bird exclusion services to keep pigeons out of your attic. We will locate all potential entry points for pigeons, and then seal them off and fortify them, preventing pigeons, other birds, and even other wildlife like raccoons and squirrels from getting in.
Best Pigeon Removal in Westchester, NY
Pigeons may just seem like a nuisance you see begging for bread crumbs, but when a group of pigeons decides to settle down on your property, they can become a serious problem. Pigeon droppings can corrode wood and metal, as well as spread harmful diseases like histoplasmosis. Pigeons themselves can carry parasites like bat bugs and bird mites, and they can rip up your insulation to add to their nests, which are often made out of flammable materials like straw and dead leaves. Don’t worry, Westchester Wildlife can help. Our team of wildlife experts can safely and humanely remove and exclude pigeons from your property in Westchester County. Contact our team to get started today with a FREE estimate at (800) 273-6673.