Licensed and Insured



Licensed and Insured

Eastern Mole

While you may never see these critters, you will most likely recognize their work.

Moles dig small tunnels underground that gently push up the grass above ground. Your shoe may sink in to one of these soft spots before you notice they’ve dug tunnels across the entire lawn.

One mole can tunnel an average of 20 yards per day. Each mole measures approximately 6 inches in length, they are a rather small mammal. They have very limited vision and hearing and are equipped with claws great for digging and a heightened sense of smell to guide them underground.

Groundhog or Woodchuck?

Finally got a peak of who has been digging holes in your lawn? It seems the mid sized rodent is a “groundhog” according to your google search, but your husbands search landed him on “woodchuck.” They look identical. Well, which is it?!

Both are correct. This mid sized rodent is a part of the marmot family and has gone by several names such as “groundhog”, “woodchuck”, “whistle pig” and even “land beaver.”

They have gained popularity in North America as we have trusted them with the projection of a long winter or early spring, depending on if they are willing to come out of hibernation: “Groundhog Day.”

There are 15 species of Marmot according to their region of either North America, Europe or Asia. While I can’t say how many other nicknames they have acquired across the world, you would be safe to refer to them as any of the above listed names when calling Westchester Wildlife LLC.

Squirrel Damage is all too real!

Squirrels are desperate to get into your home this time of year…your home is probably pretty toasty, who can blame them?! However, when damage is done and squirrels are raiding your living room…we have a problem! Trust that Westchester Wildlife can humanely remove the squirrels and seal and repair the damage. Take a look at the before and after of one of our valued customers homes. With over 30 years of experience, we have seen a lot of holes like these!

Repairing the hole is the last step, we want to make sure the squirrels are out first! Trapping an animal inside the home can not only be inhumane but once the animal has deceased they can leave your home smelling..well…less like clean linen!

For more information on how and what we use for Squirrel trapping and removal, you can listen to owner Jim Dreisacker explain our methods, just visit this link: Squirrel Removal

Have Bees Invaded Your Home?

Brent Wallace, son of a homeowner in Spring, Texas, recently discovered the stuff of nightmares in his mother’s home. Fourteen years ago, Wallace noticed a hive of bees in the first story wall of the house and had it removed. Six months later, the bees returned.

That was in 1999. Walter Schumacher of Central Texas Bee Removal states that bee hives can grow at a rate of one-foot to one-and-a-half feet each year. As a result, Wallace’s house now has twenty feet of bee hive in the insulation. The two-story hive is the largest hive that beekeepers of the region have reported.

The beekeepers have removed the first ten feet of hive already and will be returning early next week to explore the rest of the damage on the second floor of the house.

They’re focus, along with Wallace’s, is to save the bees, as populations in central Texas are under attack of an illness called Colony Collapse Disorder. And there are certainly an overwhelming amount of bees to rescue. The estimate currently stands between 200,000 and 500,000, with only 50,000 having been removed thus far.

Honey bees are generally not dangerous, but in these numbers, under stress, a panic could be “pretty nasty,” says Schumacher. Central Texas Bee Removal is in its third year as a non-profit organization that runs under the premise of keeping bees out of harm’s way while also preventing humans being stung. After removal, the bees are relocated to a plot at Texas 59 and I-10.

Avoid Brent Wallace’s issue and take care of a hive before it gets out of control. Contact Westchester Wildlife today and let the professionals help.


17 Species of Snake in New York

There are 17 species of snake in New York. And they are all integral parts of their ecosystems. As prey for foxes and hawks and predators for rodents of all sorts, they are an irreplaceable link in New York food chains.

The two most common snakes are garter snakes and water snakes. Garter snakes are very adaptable; they can live comfortably around humans, in marshland, in fields, and in woodlands. Their characteristic feature is three yellow stripes down their backs and they don’t usually get to be more than two feet long. They are non-venomous.

Water snakes can grow up to 42 inches in length and are non-venomous. They are often mistaken for the venomous cottonmouth, which are not found in our state borders. They can be quite aggressive and are found near wetlands and bodies of water.

Milk snakes, which are often found in barns and are tan with reddish splotches, and black rat snakes, which are usually found near rocky cliffs and completely black, are less common and non-venomous. The black rat snake is the largest snake in the state by far, maxing out at a whopping eight feet.

We only have three venomous species of snake in New York and all three are fairly rare. The timber rattlesnake and massasauga both have rattles at the end of their tails. Both are considered “chunky” snakes, though the timber rattler can get up to six feet in length, while the massasauga can’t exceed three feet. Copperheads can be distinguished by their copper-red faces and distinct bands that run the full length of their bodies.

It is always a good idea to be aware of the snake types in your region. However, if you believe that you may have a snake problem in your residence, call Westchester Wildlife for a consultation.

Got Bats? Give us a call at 800-273-6673

Oh yes– it’s bat season!  Those things you seeing flying around your house at dusk are not birds– they’re bats!

If you see a bat in your house, DO NOT TOUCH IT!   If you can, trap it in one room and give us a call.

Bats can form colonies in your attic, in the eaves of your porch, or really, anywhere in your home.   Don’t mess around with bats.   They can carry rabies!

Grey Squirrel Entry Point– Stamford, CT

Coyotes in Suburban Areas

“When the population gets too high, you need to have a proper trapping program coming in and removing coyotes every year to lessen the chance of an incident,” said Dreisacker. “The coyote numbers aren’t going to go down, they’re just going to keep going up.”

Coyote Removal

NYS Department of Environmental Protection (NYDEC) began field work in 1949 to determine the best method for trapping Coyotes. There has been an increase of human/coyote conflict in the northeast. The suburban dwelling coyote tends to flock most commonly to areas where the deer population is high. Deer population is also on the rise. Since Sept. 2012, there has been 8 reported Coyote sightings in lower Westchester County.

Coyote behavior in suburban areas in relation to people, pets, and livestock:

According to NYDEC, only a handful of coyote attacks on humans are reported. Coyotes seem to have a diminished fear of humans, which could lead to a potentially dangerous situation. There is an unsettling nature regarding coyotes and pets. During March and April, coyotes become extremely territorial as they set up their dens for soon arriving pups. Homeowners yards become “coyote” territory. Sometimes, pets are caught in their path and preyed upon. Livestock problems associated with Coyotes in New York involve typically free-ranging chicken, sheep, or ducks. Conflicts can be deterred with proper breeding and raising of livestock.Cornell Study on Coyote Trapping:  A Special Focus on Behavior and Ecology

“Dreisacker is currently involved in a prominent Cornell study on coyote trapping, where the research is centered in the Mount Pleasant area where Dreisacker was raised. On the first night, he said he caught two coyotes in collarum traps, showing the importance of utilizing such traps in suburban terrain.”Resources:www.nycoyote.orgIf you or someone you know is needs assistance with Coyotes

Please contact: 1-800-273-6673 to schedule your inspection today!

Serving New York in Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, and Rockland Counties
Serving Connecticut in Fairfield County

Coyote Behavior and Characteristics

Coyotes living in New York State have the appearance similar to that of a German Shepard.  Some physical traits include:

The Eastern Coyote:

Large erect ears

Gray, Tan or Reddish Yellow coloring

“Bib-like” patch of white fur around neck

Generally weigh between 35 to 50 pounds

Appear heavier due to a thick, double coat of fur

Coyotes are known to travel in large groups. “Packs” consist of six closely related adults, yearlings and young. Coyote packs are generally smaller than Wolf packs. However, the eastern coyote species in New York does not form a true ‘pack’ like their relative, the wolf.  Instead, they organize as a ‘family unit’. Units are made up of an adult pair and their pups from the current year.  Coyote units will defend a territory of 6 to 15 square miles against other coyotes. This behavior limits their numbers in any one area.

During the Fall and Winter months, coyotes tend to prey on smaller mammals. Winter becomes harder as the populations of small animals decline, so coyotes seek out their largest prey – whitetail deer. Deer are killed by motorist frequently this time of year and can become an important food source for coyotes.

It is common to hear the sounds of coyotes howl in the night, as they are known as nocturnal wildlife. It is easy to think through the echo of the woods that there must be an overflow of them out there, but in reality its only five of six. A small number of coyotes can make a lot of noise.

Our upcoming blog will explore Coyotes Behavior in Suburban Areas.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with

Please contact: 1-800-273-6673 to schedule your inspection today!

Serving New York in Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, and Rockland Counties

Serving Connecticut in Fairfield County

Importance of Attic and Basement Clean Outs

Greetings Westchester Wildlife enthusiasts! The holidays are upon us again! It’s the perfect time of year to seal active animal entry points and clean out animal waste left behind in attics, basements, or crawl spaces before your company arrives.

Animal waste not only damages your home insulation, but can leave stains on the ceiling and side of the house. Odors left behind can be unpleasant and potentially hazardous. Several animals living in attics, crawl spaces, and basements carry harmful parasites and viruses harmful to humans. Bat droppings (guano) causes histoplasmosis, raccoon feces carry raccoon roundworm (known as Baylisascaris procyonis), and mice droppings carry the Hantavirus. Exposure to feces and urine is a biohazard and clean up is imperative.

Our services will provide you peace of mind and assurance that your living space is a happy and healthy one! Westchester Wildlife will thoroughly clean and remove contaminants with an industrial vacuum. The area is then cleaned and disinfected to kill any parasites or fungus associated with wildlife.

If you or someone you know is interested in our Attic and Basement Clean Out Services, please contact 800-273-6673 to schedule your inspection today!

Serving New York in Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, and Rockland Counties

Serving Connecticut in Fairfield County