Summer Wildlife: Part One

Summer is here. Common wildlife seen this time of year in our area include: bats, honeybees, woodchucks, squirrels, and chipmunks. Each creature possesses their own unique behavior which is themed around survival instincts. We share the natural habitat of these animals and very often we find they are considered a nuisance, causing distress to home and property owners. Listed are some common facts, behaviors and potential damages these wildlife animals can cause.

Woodchucks, Squirrels and Chipmunks.

Woodchucks are herbivores and feed on vegetables, grasses, and legumes. They are active mostly during the day and seen sometimes basking in the summer sun. Yes, woodchucks may seem unassuming at first thought, but they can cause a threat to agricultural and residential property. Their feeding habits can cause vegetative residual havoc and this wildlife creature has been known to damage building foundations and farming machinery. Woodchucks are excellent at making burrows. These can be extremely large and often have two to five entrances to escape from predators.

Squirrels and Chipmunks:

Squirrels and chipmunks have similar habits and hazards to one’s home. They are part of the rodent family. Some species include: the flying squirrel, gray squirrel, and red squirrel. Squirrels reproduce in the early spring and while they are most active during the day, only the red squirrel is nocturnal. They are excellent climbers and known to store nuts in attics, chimneys and walls.

The eastern chipmunk is a small, brownish, ground-dwelling squirrel. They are considered a nuisance mammal. They have the ability to cause structural damage by burrowing in patios, foundations, and retention walls.

Squirrels and chipmunks possess similar hazards and potential risks. Homeowners should be aware is the kind of damage these creatures can cause by taking up residence in their home. Females will seek shelter in your home for bearing their young. The young can later chew wires that could create serious fire hazards. Insulation can be damaged and is a common spot for squirrels to go to the bathroom. Urine and fecal matter odor can spread and cause health risks.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with these issues, and are within one of our service counties (Westchester, Duchess, Rockland, or Fairfiled) please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673