August 17, 2021
Why Do Squirrels Chew On Roofs?
Squirrels are a significant rodent nuisance in most states, and the damage they cause can be a costly expense for homeowners. The great news is that it is possible to keep squirrels far away from your roof!
Your roof is a substantial investment that you must safeguard. Whenever squirrels cause damage to your roof due to their chewing, roof repairs are inevitable.
How Do Squirrels Get Into Your Roof?
Squirrels could invade a roof for a variety of reasons. Mating, a surge in predators, a reduction in habitat upon which to establish dens or even cold weather are examples of these.
The following are some of the most typical ways for squirrels to gain access to your roof:
– Roof vents
– Roof edges
– Roof-Soffit crisscrossing
– Gable vents
– Wall vents
– Plumbing mats
– Open, uncapped chimneys
Squirrels On Roof Sounds
Many times you’ll be able to hear squirrels running on your roof, particularly in the evenings and early mornings when they are most active.
Squirrels produce a variety of sounds to match their various actions. Whereas any noise coming from your roof is a telltale sign that a living creature has made its way into your home, learning the kinds of sounds squirrels commonly produce will assist you in identifying if they are to blame. These include:
– Rolling sounds
While they collect acorns, nuts, and other tiny objects, Squirrels tend to make rolling sounds. If they are on your roof, you will most probably hear them sliding these objects all across the flooring of your roof into various spots for safekeeping.
– Scurrying noises
Light dashing and scratching sounds over your roof surface indicate that squirrels on the roof are moving back and forth.
– Squeaking sounds
Squirrels make high-pitched squeaks that are unpleasant to the human ear. Residents could have difficulty sleeping at night if such disturbing sounds reverberate within their walls.
– Rustling sounds
Squirrels are always on the move during the day, building nests, keeping food, and scampering around. This type of activity will produce a lot of shuffling and rustling sounds.
Is It Bad To Have Squirrels In Your Roof? Can They Damage It?
Put simply, these frizzy-tailed creatures might appear adorable from the outside, but their inside is a whole different thing altogether.
They have been observed scratching and gnawing at rooftops, and their razor-like claws and teeth can tear down your roof. They will cut a new hole via the roof shingles or rip through a current one to gain access into your house.
Squirrel teeth are among the hardest of rodents. From polyethylene to the copper sheathing, there isn’t anything that can impede them. Squirrels nibble and eat away at roof shingles to gain access to the decking and underlayment. Defective shingles expose your house to dampness and water damage. Besides, cut roofing tiles provide entry points for water leaks into your home.
Also, the squirrel is likely to chew on roof cables and electrical wiring.
How Can You Keep Squirrels Away From Your Roof?
If you could somehow hear it rustling around and sense the stink of animal urine, you realize you have at minimum one squirrel residing on your roof.
Follow these simple techniques to permanently eliminate squirrels from your roof before they cause significant damage:
– Prune trees surrounding your home
Squirrels can climb trees, and if the trees are close to your roof, they can have easy entry to your house. Trim any trees with branches that droop close to your roof to deter squirrels. Because these rodents could leap rather far, leave at least eight yards of space between your roof and the trees.
– Set up a drip edge
A drip edge is a metal piece that goes beneath your first set of shingles and extends over the edge of your fascia. It is also known as a drip cap because it allows water to run into your downspouts and from the house.
A drip edge is an excellent solution for keeping bothersome squirrels out of your property and off your roof. It renders it harder for a squirrel to burrow between the fascia and shingles on your roof.
Whenever a drip edge is placed, it is coated with a layer of roofing cement and frequently fastened on either end to keep it firm. The good news is that you could get a drip edge fixed without replacing your whole roof.
– Cover any openings on your home’s exterior
Close any loopholes in your house that enable squirrels entry. Keep the siding solid to deter these pests from entering. Construct a chimney cap to prevent them from falling into the chimney.
– Remove any squirrel smells
Even though the previous squirrels have left, their residual stench could prompt new ones. Use an antibacterial fogging agent to wash your roof.
– Provide the squirrels a reason to leave
Perhaps use roof-mounted cage traps to catch all the squirrels or install repeater traps or single-channel exclusion doors on the central exit/entry opening.
You could also buy squirrel repellent and apply it to their refuge. Most sprays incorporate the urine of a predator, such as a fox, and might even prompt the squirrel to flee your roof in a panic.
– Routinely check your roof
Climb your roof several times per year to visually inspect it. Check for ripped insulation, wetness, and animal droppings. If you realize there are missing or defective gutters and shingles, you should have them repaired as soon as possible.
If you hear noises and are under the impression there might be a squirrel running on your roof, give us a call today!
Our exterminators at Westchester Wildlife will do a thorough inspection of your property to determine the severity of the problem and whether there is one squirrel or a family of squirrels that has invaded your home.