When it Come to Wildlife Removal in Westchester, Know Your Wildlife
A part of an effective plan for wildlife removal in Westchester is knowing precisely what kind of creature has invaded your home. Buildings, whether they are houses or sheds or garages or even places of business, are prime targets for wildlife to infiltrate. There is warmth, dryness, and most of the time food. Animals are constantly surveying your home or place of business, looking for a way in, and when they find one, they can be challenging to get rid of.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, that is. Wildlife removal in Westchester should be done by experienced professionals, people who have been dealing with just about every kind of wildlife for more than twenty years, which is what the fine people at Westchester Wildlife have been doing.
Knowing your animals
Let’s take a moment right now to run through the list of different wildlife that cause the most problems for homeowners and business owners in the region. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it gives you an idea of the different creatures common to the area.
Bats, beavers, bees, chipmunks, coyotes, deer, geese, mice, moles, pigeons, raccoons, rats, shrews, skunks, snakes, sparrows, starlings, voles, woodchucks, and woodpeckers.
If you’re like most people living in the area, you have seen or heard almost all of these animals at one time or another. Who hasn’t heard the familiar pecking of the woodpecker? Or how about seeing the frantic flight of bats as evening draws near? Or the pesky buzz of bees or yellow jackets when you’re trying to eat your meal? Knowing the kind of animal you’re dealing with is the first step in the process of wildlife removal in Westchester.
Some creatures are in danger
Yes, it’s true. Headlines should commence now. There are a number of creatures that are in danger. Bats and honey bees are two of the most important to us humans, and we have no idea why they are sick and dying, or just disappearing. There are many theories and plausible excuses being extrapolated every week, but none of them are helping keep them from vanishing.
Do we know what will happen if the honey bees all disappeared? No, but Einstein predicted that mankind would have four more years left on this Earth is they did. Do you know the difference between honey bees and yellow jackets? If you don’t, then you will want to call in a professional to deal with a bee infestation. Not only can honey bees be safely removed from homes and relocated, their numbers can be salvaged a little as well. Honey bees are generally docile unless they feel directly threatened.
Yellow jackets, on the other hand, would just as soon sting you as pass you by. They are much more aggressive and removal is generally a permanent thing for them.
Knowing the wildlife that you are dealing with is important for you, as a homeowner, and as a passenger on this mortal rock. Wildlife removal in Westchester can be done without harming any creature and for some, that’s far more important. If you want the best experts to guide you through this removal, then call on experience. Call on Westchester Wildlife.
When it Come to Wildlife Removal in Westchester, Know Your Wildlife
A part of an effective plan for wildlife removal in Westchester is knowing precisely what kind of creature has invaded your home. Buildings, whether they are houses or sheds or garages or even places of business, are prime targets for wildlife to infiltrate. There is warmth, dryness, and most of the time food. Animals are constantly surveying your home or place of business, looking for a way in, and when they find one, they can be challenging to get rid of.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, that is. Wildlife removal in Westchester should be done by experienced professionals, people who have been dealing with just about every kind of wildlife for more than twenty years, which is what the fine people at Westchester Wildlife have been doing.
Knowing your animals
Let’s take a moment right now to run through the list of different wildlife that cause the most problems for homeowners and business owners in the region. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it gives you an idea of the different creatures common to the area.
Bats, beavers, bees, chipmunks, coyotes, deer, geese, mice, moles, pigeons, raccoons, rats, shrews, skunks, snakes, sparrows, starlings, voles, woodchucks, and woodpeckers.
If you’re like most people living in the area, you have seen or heard almost all of these animals at one time or another. Who hasn’t heard the familiar pecking of the woodpecker? Or how about seeing the frantic flight of bats as evening draws near? Or the pesky buzz of bees or yellow jackets when you’re trying to eat your meal? Knowing the kind of animal you’re dealing with is the first step in the process of wildlife removal in Westchester.
Some creatures are in danger
Yes, it’s true. Headlines should commence now. There are a number of creatures that are in danger. Bats and honey bees are two of the most important to us humans, and we have no idea why they are sick and dying, or just disappearing. There are many theories and plausible excuses being extrapolated every week, but none of them are helping keep them from vanishing.
Do we know what will happen if the honey bees all disappeared? No, but Einstein predicted that mankind would have four more years left on this Earth is they did. Do you know the difference between honey bees and yellow jackets? If you don’t, then you will want to call in a professional to deal with a bee infestation. Not only can honey bees be safely removed from homes and relocated, their numbers can be salvaged a little as well. Honey bees are generally docile unless they feel directly threatened.
Yellow jackets, on the other hand, would just as soon sting you as pass you by. They are much more aggressive and removal is generally a permanent thing for them.
Knowing the wildlife that you are dealing with is important for you, as a homeowner, and as a passenger on this mortal rock. Wildlife removal in Westchester can be done without harming any creature and for some, that’s far more important. If you want the best experts to guide you through this removal, then call on experience. Call on Westchester Wildlife.
How to Choose the Right Experts for Wildlife Removal in Westchester
Life in the modern world can be exciting, invigorating, and thrilling, but if you need wildlife removal in Westchester, New York, then you are probably not enjoying life outside –or in your home- quite like you should be. There are a number of different creatures and critters that can wreak havoc on homeowners and business owners. Wildlife removal in Westchester can create some reservation in some people as they think about the times of old, when wildlife removal in Westchester meant bringing out guns and ammo and traps, all designed to kill the wildlife.
This isn’t the case anymore. Wildlife will always be a problem for business owners and homeowners throughout the area. Of that, there is no doubt. Yet there are humane methods to removing these annoying creatures from inside the home or along the property lines. Whether there are bats hiding in the attic, mice heard scampering around in the walls, or moles tearing gleefully through your lawn, you want something done. You want decisive action and you want it to last.
After all, what good does it serve to bring in a professional to have them scour your home or building and the surrounding property, spending countless hours working to get rid of the wildlife problem, and then leaving, only to have that same animal come back within a week or two? Common sense dictates that it makes no sense whatsoever. That’s why wildlife removal in Westchester should be about long-term solutions.
Far too many so-called ‘professionals’ neglect this aspect of wildlife removal in Westchester
Like it or not, there will always be wildlife in the area. If there weren’t, then there would be something seriously wrong. Of course, we can’t, nor should we, get rid of all the animals that we find nuisances. Many serve invaluable purposes, such as bats that hunt and eat the mosquitoes and other biting insects that can carry diseases from one person to the next. Snakes are important for the balance of the ecosystem, as are coyotes.
But that doesn’t mean we have to tolerate them within our immediate home or property. Call on any one of the professional wildlife removal ‘experts’ in the area and you are bound to find a number of whom talk a good game and sound like they really know what they’re doing. If you read between the lines, however, if you dig a little deeper and ask the important questions far too many home and business owners fail to ask, such as ‘What is you plan to keep them from returning in a few weeks?’ then you may end up paying for animal removal more than once.
At Westchester Wildlife, we have seen it all in our more than twenty years of experience. We have learned through a series of trial and error what works, what doesn’t, and what works most effectively. What removes one animal effectively doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for another one.
When you need wildlife removal in Westchester, there is only one name you need to know: Westchester Wildlife.
Dead Animal Odor Removal Services
If you have ever had to deal with the stench of a dead animal, either in your home, in the walls, crawl spaces, or attic, or somewhere around your property, such as a deer or other larger animal, then you known how foul dead animal odor can be. Far too many homeowners deal with the odor because they don’t realize that there are dead animal odor removal services available. Westchester Wildlife is one of those unique dead animal odor removal service companies that you can rely on when the need (if it ever does) arises.
Too many people ‘deal with it’ when they shouldn’t have to. When you live in the suburban or rural parts of the country, such as those in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties, for example, then you have to deal with wildlife. For the most part, wildlife adds a great deal to the environment and the scenery that we are exposed to. Whether it’s deer frolicking through the backyard, squirrels hunting and storing nuts for the winter or eagles soaring majestically through the air, wildlife brightens up life.
Yet, the inevitable conclusion to life is, of course, death, and that means sometimes those animals die close to homes and neighborhoods or, if they are small enough, such as bats, mice, and even squirrels, they die inside of the homes. The odor begins as something minor, a little annoyance, and after a day or two it builds to something more than that. You may be able to remove the dead animal yourself, of course, but the odor will linger, sometimes for days after the animal has been removed.
There’s no reason that anyone should have to merely ‘deal with’ the odor of a dead animal in or around their own. Westchester Wildlife has the expertise to remove the dead animal odor from the home as well as sanitize the surrounding areas. Did you know that an animal that dies within the home, such as in the walls or attic, has likely been living there for many months and that is generally a clear sign that there are more than one.
Dead animal odor removal is only one small aspect that can and should be dealt with at the time when you notice that foul stench. Call on the best in the business to determine if this animal was in fact just a one-time occurrence or whether there are more lurking in the walls. The last thing anyone should want to have to deal with is another dead animal odor removal only a few short weeks after the first.
Westchester Wildlife will not only handle the task of dead animal removal, but will also inspect the home and the surrounding area where the animal was found to determine if it was the only one or if more animal removal will be required. For larger animals, such as deer, that have succumbed to the elements a bit too close to home, Westchester Wildlife is also well equipped to remove the carcass as well as the odor.
Dead animal odor removal is usually not something people tend to think about until they need it. Fortunately, for people within the Westchester and surrounding counties, Westchester Wildlife knows everything there is to know about dead animal odor removal, and then some.
Dealing with Wild Turkeys on Your Property
When you live in a rural or suburban home, odds are that at some point you are going to encounter wildlife that is either a nuisance or causes damage. Wild turkeys are one of these creatures that can either be a welcome addition to your neighborhood as they wander through your property, or they can be the harbingers of damage to crops, plants, or other items throughout the yard. Dealing with wild turkeys on your property must be done according to the law, and to common sense. Wild turkeys are protected by law and if you are not careful, they can be aggressive.
Use common sense when around any wild animal
Just because a creature, such as a wild turkey seems slow or approachable, doesn’t mean that they won’t attack, especially if they feel threatened. Wild turkeys are pack animals and when they feel as though they are being threatened, they can attack with their beaks, wings, talons, or simply rush you, trying to drive you back. If you are faced with wild turkeys that are causing damage or acting aggressively for any reason, then you may be able to frighten it off if you wave your arms and yell loudly. You are attempting to establish dominance, telling the bird that this is your territory.
While this technique will work much of the time, it doesn’t work all of the time and its important to keep that in mind. If the turkey continues to antagonize you, it may be best to go inside and call a professional for assistance. Wild turkeys can also be attracted to bright, reflective items, such as mirrors and windows. If your car is constantly being surrounded by wild turkeys, then you may want to park it in the garage, if possible, or cover the mirrors.
Fence in small areas that you want to protect
Perhaps you have just planted some new crops in your personal garden and want to protect them. If so, you can construct a small fence around this small area. Usually that will be enough to discourage the turkeys from having at your new vegetables or other plants, though this isn’t a surefire solution. If it’s possible, then add a netting across the top as well, as this will ensure that the turkeys won’t be able to get into the enclosure. Remember, turkeys can fly and they will do so if they really want to get at whatever is growing in that fenced off area.
Loud noises can effectively frighten off some turkeys, though they may return before long and if the noise didn’t get rid of them permanently, then it will be less likely to have an effect later on as well.
If you are having trouble dealing with wild turkeys in your back yard, around your home, or even in the neighborhood and your best efforts have been met with disappointment, then you can call on the experts at Westchester Wildlife. They have more than twenty years of experience dealing with wild turkeys and know the best methods that are humane and legal in removing wild turkeys from your property.
Removing Wild Turkeys from Your Property
Turkeys Create Real Property Damage
Wild turkeys aren’t often thought of when someone is dealing with wildlife damage or other removal issues. However, even though wild turkeys can bring a family to the window for a look once in a while, they can do damage to crops, though many of the reported damage that is thought to be caused by turkeys is done by other animals. For the most part, turkeys are known to eat berries, grapes, and mature corn in fields. They are also reported to cause damage to golf courses and newly established lawns.

For this and other reasons, removing wild turkeys is a request that many homeowners have during certain times of the year. Before you head out to the woods around your house with a shotgun in hand, however, it’s important to note that wild turkeys are a protected species and that means that you are not permitted to shoot and kill any wild turkeys, whether they are on your property or not. If you are unable to get rid of wild turkeys from your property, then call Westchester Wildlife your neighborhood experts for advice and help.
Don’t Feed or Kill Wild Turkeys
There are alternatives to removing wild turkeys from property. Even though these creatures are protected, there are some things that you can do to remove them from your property. The first thing is to determine if a neighbor is feeding the turkeys. Most wild birds, such as wild turkeys, will flock to the location that offers them the best source of easy food. Many homeowners find the wild turkeys to be interesting and even pleasing, and they leave food out for them to eat from time to time. If you know of a neighbor who is doing this, then it’s important to approach the neighbor in a friendly manner and explain the damage that the turkeys are doing to your property and ask them if they would consider not feeding them anymore.
If that does not work, or you are unaware whether any of the neighbors are feeding the turkeys, then you could –if your property isn’t too large- construct a fence to discourage them from entering. It’s important to note, however, that wild turkeys, even though they don’t fly often, have the ability to fly quite high and far. If they are intent on entering your property, then a fence won’t be much of a deterrent.
Look for bird feeders in the area and if there are some that are used regularly, make sure that the area underneath them is clean most of the time. This will remove one foraging temptation from the wild turkeys. Seek out plants and flowers that the turkeys find appealing and replace them with varieties that the turkeys do not care for.
Getting rid of wild turkeys can be a great challenge for some homeowners, but before you make any rash decisions, or any costly ones, be certain that any damage that your property is sustaining is coming from wild turkeys and not some other animal. If you are intent on getting rid of wild turkeys and you are unable to through some of the methods mentioned, then call on experts — Westchester Wildlife — or advice and help. We are the seasoned experts who have assisted countless homeowners throughout the area deal with nuisance wildlife in legal and humane ways. We can help you too.